Decree of Eleusis honouring the demarch

I Eleusis 101 Date: ca. 320-290 BC
Theoboulos son of [Theoboulos?] proposed:[1] for the good fortune of the demesmen of Eleusis and the Athenian People, the Eleusinians shall decide: since Euthydemos continues to be well-disposed (5) towards the deme of Eleusis and the Athenian People, both individually and collectively, and having been allotted (lachōn) as demarch, exercised the office of demarch finely and justly and carried out the sacrifice to Dionysos for the health and preservation (10) of the demesmen from his own resources (par’ hautou) and has displayed love of honour (pephilotimētai) and increased the revenue and handled the other affairs of the demesmen finely and according to the laws, (15) Euthydemos shall enjoy, himself and his descendants, a seat of honour, seeing that this grant was made also to his ancestors,[2] and the demarch in office shall invite him to take up his seat of honour, or himself (20) owe 100 drachmas sacred to Dionysos; and to praise [Euthydemos] son of Moirokles of Eleusis for his [excellence] and good-will towards the demesmen of Eleusis and crown him with (25) a foliage crown . . . . . .