List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Meyer, Metics, no. 23 Date: ca. 336/5 - 322/1 BCcol. 1
(1) . . . [1] acquitted (apophug-) in a prosecution by - son of -
of Cholleidai(?); libation bowl (phialē), weight: 100 drachmas.
- living in -,
(5) acquitted (apophugousa) in a prosecution by -istratos
. . . ; libation bowl (phialē), weight: 100 drachmas.
- living in -,
acquitted (apophugousa) in a prosecution by -istratos
. . . ; libation bowl (phialē), weight: 100 drachmas.
(10) - living in -,
acquitted (apophugōn) in a prosecution by -
. . . ; libation bowl (phialē), weight: 100 drachmas.
col. 2
acquitted (apophug-) in a prosecution by -;
libation bowl (phialē), weight: 100 drachmas.
(15) Xen- . . . acquitted (apophug-) in a prosecution by -;
libation bowl (phialē), weight: 100 drachmas.
Biot- . . . acquitted (apophug-) in a prosecution by -
(20) . . . ;
libation bowl (phialē), weight: 100 drachmas.
Er- . . .