
Decree: IG II3 1 531

Decree?: IG II3 1 532

Decree?: IG II3 1 533

Decree: IG II3 1 535 - Honorific decree

Decree?: IG II3 1 537

Decree?: IG II3 1 538

Decree: IG II3 1 539 - Honorific decree

Decree?: IG II3 1 540

Decree?: IG II3 1 541

Decree?: IG II3 1 542

Decree?: IG II3 1 544

Decree: IG II3 1 545 - Honorific decree

Decree?: IG II3 1 546

Decree?: IG II3 1 547

Decree?: IG II3 1 548

Decree?: IG II3 1 551 - About a festival (Dipolieia)

Decree: IG II3 1 553 - Honorific decree

Decree?: IG II3 1 554

Decree?: IG II3 1 556

Decree?: IG II3 1 557

Decree?: IG II3 1 558

Decree?: IG II3 1 559

Decree: IG II3 1 560 - Honorific decree

Decree?: IG II3 1 561

Decree?: IG II3 1 562

Decree?: IG II3 1 563

Decree?: IG II3 1 564

Decree?: IG II3 1 565

Decree?: IG II3 1 566

Decree?: IG II3 1 567

Decree?: IG II3 1 568

Decree?: IG II3 1 569 - Honorific decree

Decree?: IG II3 1 570

Decree?: IG II3 1 571

Decree?: IG II3 1 572

Decree: IG II3 1 1455 - Honours for a priest(ess?)

Decree?: IG II3 1 1458 - List of ephebes

Decree: IG II2 1234 - Decree regulating cult

Decree: IG II3 1 1267 - Decree

Decree (?): IG II3 1 1420 - Fragment of decree (?)

List of names from a decree (?): IG II3 1 1424 - List of names from a decree (?)

List of names from a decree (?): IG II3 1 1425 - List of names from a decree (?)

Decree (?): IG II3 1 1426 - Fragment of honorific decree (?)

Decree (?): IG II3 1 1428 - Fragment of decree (?)

List of names from a decree (?): IG II3 1 1429 - List of names from a decree (?)

Decree: IG II3 1 1434 - Honorific decree

Decree: IG II3 1 1435 - Honorific decree (?)

Decree: IG II3 1 1436 - Honorific decree

Decree (?): IG II3 1 1441 - Fragment of decree (?)

Decree: IG II3 1 1442 - Fragment of honorific decree

Decree: IG II3 1 1443 - Fragment of decree

Decree (?): IG II3 1 1444 - Fragment of decree (?)

Decree: IG II3 1 1445 - Honorific decree

Decree: IG II3 1 1447 - Honorific decree

Decree: IG II3 1 1449 - Honorific decree

Decree (?): IG II3 1 1451 - Fragment

Decree (?): IG II3 1 1452 - Honorific decree (?)

Decree: IG II3 1 1453 - Honorific decree

Decree: IG II3 1 1459 - Honorific decree

Decree: IG II3 1 1460 - Honorifc decree

Decree: IG II3 1 1461 - Honorific decree

Decree (Orgeones of Bendis): IG II2 1256 - Decree of the orgeones of Bendis (329/8 BC)

Decree (Orgeones of Bendis): IG II2 1284 - Two decrees of the orgeones of Bendis (ca. 251-240 BC)

Decree (Thiasos of Bendis): IG II2 1317b - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (249/8 BC)

Decree (Thiasos of Bendis): SEG 59.152 - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (251/0 BC)

Decree (Thiasos of Bendis): SEG 59.151 - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (272/1 BC)

Decree (Orgeones [of Bendis?]): IG II2 1255 - Decree of the orgeones [of Bendis?] (337/6 BC)

Decree (Orgeones of Bendis): IG II2 1283 - Decree of the orgeones of Bendis (240/39 BC)

Decree (Orgeones of Bendis): IG II2 1324 - Decree of the orgeones of Bendis (ca. 190 BC)

Decree (Thiasos of Bendis): SEG 44.60 - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (harbour) (244/3 BC)

Decree (Thiasos of Bendis): SEG 59.155 - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (harbour) (247/6 BC)

Decree (Orgeones of Bendis): Sokolowski, LSCG 45 - Decree of the orgeones [of Bendis] (ca. 330-324/3 BC)

Decree: RO 40 - Decrees regulating the export of ochre from Keos

Decree: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 1 - Honours for Asandros of Macedon, 314/3 BC

Decree: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 2 - Honours for officials, 303/2 BC

Relief from top of a decree: AIUK 3 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) no. 2 - Relief from top of a decree

Decree (?): IG I3 15b and c - Fragment of a financial inscription

Decree?: IG I3 13 - Small Fragments

Decree: AIUK 7 (Chatsworth) no. 3 - Fragment of an Athenian Assembly decree (?)

Decree: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 3 - Decree about Hestiaia

Decree: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 6 - Decree about building a temple

Decree: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 8 - Honours for a man from Argos

Decree: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 9 - Honorific decree for a seer (?)

Decree: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 17 - On the conveyance of sacred objects for the Eleusinian Mysteries

Decree (unknown group): AIO 1976 - Dedication inscribed with decrees of Leontis and an unknown group honouring the ephebes and their controller (sophronistes), 333/2 BC

Decree (unidentifiable group): AIO 1977 - Decree of unidentifiable group with roster of Kekropis

Decree: I Eleusis 123 - Fragmentary decree from Eleusis honouring [a son of?] Timok[rates?] of Kerameis

Decree of uncertain body (?): I Eleusis 249 - Decree (?) from Eleusis

Decree?: AIO 2662 - Agreement regarding Salamis

Decree: Agora XVI 338 - Decree of Council (and People?), 115/6 or 116/7 AD

Decree (Achaian Council)

Decree (Achaian League): Oliver, Constitutions 78 - Letter from Hadrian to the Achaian League

Decree (Areopagos)

Decree (Areopagos): AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 10 - Decree of the Areopagos, 195/6 AD

Decree (Areopagos): IG IV2 1 82-84 - Honours for T. Statilius Lamprias of Epidauros

Decree (?): Puech, Orateurs 1 - Endowment of Akousilaos

Decree (Areopagos): Sardis VII 2 319-320 - Letter and honours for Polybios of Sardis

Decree (Areopagos?): Agora XVI 342 - Honours for an uncertain individual

Decree (Areopagos): SEG 30.82 - Honours for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos and sons

or Areopagos?): I Eleusis 489 - The Eleusinian Endowment

Decree (Areopagos, Council, and People)

Decree (Areopagos, Council, and People): Agora XV 460 - Divine honours for Geta, 209/10 AD

Decree (Association)

Decree (Orgeones of Echelos and the Heroines): Agora XVI 161 - Decree of the orgeones of Echelos and the heroines

Decree (Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle, and those in the open country (hypaithroi))

Decree (Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle, and hypaithroi): I Eleusis 198 - Honorific decree of the Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle, and those in the open country (hypaithroi)

Decree (Athenians resident at Eleusis and soldiers stationed at Eleusis)

Decree (Athenians resident at Eleusis and soldiers stationed there): I Eleusis 197 - Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle and Athenians resident at Eleusis honouring Thrasykles

Decree (Cavalry)

Decree (Cavalry): SEG 21.525 - Decree of the cavalry honouring their commanders

Decree 2 (Cavalry): IG II3 1 1281 - Honours for a cavalry commander

Decree (cavalry?): Agora XVI 270/1 - Decree [of cavalry?] honouring cavalry commanders

Decree (cavalry): IG II2 1264 - Decree of cavalry honouring treasurers of Athena

Decree (Cleruchy Hephaistia)

Decree 3 (Cleruchy Hephaistia): IG II3 1 884 - Honours for the cavalry commander Komeas

Decree 2 (Cleruchy Hephaistia): IG II3 1 884 - Honours for the cavalry commander Komeas

Decree (Cleruchy Myrina)

Decree (Cleruchy Myrina): AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 7 - Decree of Athenians in Myrina on Lemnos

Decree (Cleruchy Salamis)

Decree (Cleruchy Salamis): IG II2 1225 - Decree of the Salaminians honouring Herakleitos of Athmonon

Decree (Council and People or Council and deme)

Decree? (Council and People or Council and deme): Kourouniotes, Iερόν του Απόλλωνος, 39 no. 3 - Honours for a priest of Apollo Zoster

Decree (Council and People)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 293 - Proxeny for Demokrates of Lampsakos

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 294 - Proxeny for Theogenes of Naukratis

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 296 - On the Echinaioi

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 299 - Treaty with Mytilene

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 301 - Honours for -doros son of Kalli-

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 302 - Honours for Dioskourides of Abdera and his brothers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 303 - Honours for the Elaiousians (?)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 310 - Honours for Theoklos of Corinth

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 315 - Decree about a proposal of Theophantos

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 324 - Honours for Euenor of Akarnania

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 325 - Honours for Kalliteles of Kydantidai

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 329 - Honours for a son of Eupor-

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 331 - Honours for Nikostratos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 341

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 348 - Honours for Phanodemos of Thymaitadai

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 351 - Honours for Rheboulas, son of the king of the Odrysai, Seuthes

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 390 - Kleomis of Methymna awarded proxeny

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 398 - Proxeny for Euboeans

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 401 - Honours for the People of Tenedos and certain citizens of Tenedos

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 411 - Honours for Arybbas king of the Molossians

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 416 - Honours for priests and religious officials

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 417 - Honorific decree and catalogue of the prytany of Leontis

Decree 1 (Council and People?): IG II3 1 418 - Honours for Asklepiodoros

Decree (Council and People?): IG II3 1 425 - Decree honouring a priest?

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 426 - Proxeny for -machos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 428 - Honours for Philomelos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 444 - Decree on the repair of a statue of Athena Nike

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 454 - Honours for -das of Cos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 459

Decree 2 (Council and People): IG II3 1 469 - Honours for Kallikratides of Steiria, the recorder

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 472

Decree 1 (Council and People?): IG II3 1 482 - On the Tenians

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 514

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 543

Decree (Council and People): OR 120 - Athenian judicial relations with Phaselis

Decree (Council and People): IG I3 9 - Dealings with the Delphian Amphiktyony

Decree (Council and People): Matthaiou, Ta en tei stelei, 57–70 - Reaffirmed alliance with Egesta, 418/7 BC

Decree ([Council and People]): AIO 296 - Athenian regulations for Erythrai

Decree (Council and People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 5 - Decree about tribute of Delian League ("Kleinias' decree")

Decree (Council and People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 4 - Reaffirmed alliance with Rhegion, 433/2 BC

Decree (Council and People): IG I3 54 - Reaffirmed alliance with Leontinoi

Decree (Council and People): IG I3 92 - Honours for Kallippos the Thessalian

Decree (Council and People): OR 183A - Decree to republish Draco’s law on homicide

Decree (Council and People): IG I3 110 - Decree for Oiniades of (Palai)skiathos

Decree (Council and People): IG I3 119 - Ratification of a treaty with the Klazomenians at Daphnous

Decree (Council and People): IG I3 127 - Honours for the Samians

Decree 2 (Council and People): AIO 313 - Honours for Herakleides of Klazomenai

Decree (Council and People): IG I3 36 - Decree about payment to priestess of Athena Nike

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1135 - Honours for Timosthenes [of Karystos]

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 848 - Proxeny

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 863 - Honours for Zenon, commander of the Ptolemaic fleet

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 866 - Citizenship(?) for a friend of King Lysimachos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 867 - Citizenship for Artemidoros of Perinthos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 868 - Citizenship for Philokles, king of the Sidonians

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 875 - Citizenship for Aischron son of Proxenos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 877 - Honours for the poet Philippides

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 879 - Concerning the sanctuary of Aphrodite Pandemos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 882 - Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)

Decree 2 (Council and People): IG II3 1 883 - Honours for the Tenian People

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 890

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 893 - Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 897 - Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 899 - Honours for grain purchasers (sitonai)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 901 - Honours for the priest of Amphiaraos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 902 - Honours for the managers of Zeus Soter

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 903 - Honours for the priest of Zeus Soter

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 904 - Honours for City Guardians

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 907 - Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 908 - Honours for grain purchasers (sitonai)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 911 - Honours for Kallias of Sphettos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 914 - Concerning public doctors

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 915 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 917 - Honours for ephebes and their officials

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 918 - Citizenship for Strombichos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 919 - Citizenship for Strombichos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 924 - Citizenship for Bithys of Lysimacheia

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 928 - Honours for a benefactor

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 939 - Citizenship for Alexander from Beroia in Macedon

Decree 2 (Council and People): IG II3 1 945 - Honours for Aristomenes of Paiania

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 953 - Honours for the priest of Zeus Soter

Decree (Council and People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 13 - Honorific decree, 259/8 BC

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 985 - Honours for Phaidros of Sphettos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 986 - Honours for ephebes and their officials

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 987 - Concerning the Rhodian People

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 988

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 989 - Equality of taxation for a man of Pergamon

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 990 - Honours for a foreigner

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 991 - Honours for a competition director

Decree (Council and People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 14 - Beginning of a decree, 255/4 BC

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 996 - Honours for a friend of the Macedonians

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 997 - On the arbitration of the Lamians between Athenians and Boeotians

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 998 - Honours for Lamian judges

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 999 - Honours for an ambassador

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1000 - Concerning a report of the director of works

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1001 - Honours for the archon

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1002 - Honours for the priestess of Aglauros

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1003 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1004 - Honours for Xenokrates of Chios

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1007 - Honours for Charixenos of Aitolia

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1138

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1140 - Proxeny for Aristokreon son of Nausikrates

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1141 - Proxeny for Apollas son of Tharrhynon [of Kolophon?]

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1142

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1143

Decree 2 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1145 - Honours for receivers of sacred delegates (theorodokoi) and decree of Gonnoi

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1147 - Honours for Prytanis of Karystos

Decree (Council and People?): IG II3 1 1158 - Honours for the ephebes of 219/8 and their officers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1161 - Honours for the ephebes of 216/5

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1166 - Honours for the ephebes of 214/3 and their officers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1167 - Honours for the ephebes of 213/2 and their officers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1171 - Honours for Lamian judges

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1176 - Honours for the ephebes of 204/3 and their officers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1178 - The People of Antioch (Alabanda) honoured with citizenship

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1179 - Honours for two [Rhodians?]

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1181 - Honours for an Aitolian

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1182 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1184 - On the renewal of the competitions at the Lykaia

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1185 - Honours for Thraseas of Phlya

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1186 - Honours for -ios son of Androkydes of Berenikidai

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1187 - Honours for Nikon

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1188 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1192

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1193 - Decree honouring ephebes

Decree? (Council and People?): IG II3 1 1194 - Honours for the ephebes and their officers?

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1164 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1213 - Honours for an official (doctor? ephebic?)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1215 - Honours for Ephesians

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1216 - Decree about Kyme

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1217 - Proxeny decree?

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1218 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1220 - On the refashioning of dedications

Decree ([Council and People]): IG II3 1 1221 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1227

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1228

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1230 - Honours for a man from Taras

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1241 - Honours for Dionysios

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1242 - Decree renewing friendship with the Milesians

Decree 3 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1137 - Decrees honouring Eumaridas of Kydonia and his son Charmion

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1154 - On the dedications to the Hero Doctor

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1170 - On relations with Magnesia on the Maeander

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1010 - Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1008 - Honours for the ephebes and officials

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1009 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1011 - Public subscription for the preservation of the city and the protection of the countryside

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 951 - Honours for managers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 961 - Citizenship for Python

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 962 - Citizenship

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 964 - Citizenship

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 967 - Concerning Thebes

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 974 - Citizenship

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 975 - Citizenship for a Sikyonian

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 977

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1016 - Honours for ephebes and officials

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1017 - Honours for grain purchasers (sitonai)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1018 - Honours for market inspectors (agoranomoi)

Decree 2 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1020 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1020 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1022 - Honours for the Games-masters (athlothetai)

Decree 2 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1023 - Honours for the grain protectors (sitophylakes)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1025 - Honours for the father of a participant in a procession

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1026 - Honours for the priestess of Athena Polias

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1027 - Honours for ephebes and officials

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1028 - Honours for the priest of Kalliste

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1033 - Citizenship for benefactors of Athenian cleruchy on Lemnos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1040 - Honours for a benefactor

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1043 - Honours for a courtier of the Macedonians(?)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1044 - Honours for a banker

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1056 - Honours for the priestess of Athena Polias

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1057

Decree ([Council and People]): IG II3 1 1059 - Concerning a report of sacred delegates (?)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1060 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1065 - Honours for the Prienians

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1067

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1068

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1069

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1073 - Proxeny for Apollonios of Klazomenai

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1076 - Honours for the People of Erythrai

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1077 - Proxeny for military figures

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1094

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1104

Decree (Council [and People]): IG II3 1 1105 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1119

Decree 3 (Council and People): AIO 796 - Honours for the Samians, 405/4 and 403/2 BC

Decree 2A (Council and People): AIO 796 - Honours for the Samians, 405/4 and 403/2 BC

Decree 1A (Council and People): AIO 796 - Honours for the Samians, 405/4 and 403/2 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 7 - Honours for Euagoras of Salamis, 394/3 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIO 801 - Honours for Phanokritos of Parion, 386/5 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIO 803 - Decree admitting Methymna to the Second Athenian League, 378/7 BC (?)

Decree 1 (Council and People): RO 22 - Decree inviting states to join the Second Athenian League, 378/7 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIO 805 - Decree admitting Corcyra, Akarnania and Kephallenia to the Second Athenian League, 375/4 BC

Decree ([Council and People]): AIO 806 - Decree for Dionysios I of Syracuse, 369/8 BC

Decree 3 (Council and People): IG II2 107 - Decrees for Mytilene, 369-367 BC

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II2 107 - Decrees for Mytilene, 369-367 BC

Decree (Council and People): IG II2 110 - Honours for Menelaos the Pelagonian, 363/2 BC

Decree (Council and People): RO 39 - Decree making arrangements for Ioulis on Keos, 363/2 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIO 811 - Alliance with Peloponnesian cities following battle of Mantinea, 362/1 BC

Decree (Council and People): RO 44 - Alliance with Thessalian federation, 361/0 BC

Decree (Council and People?): IG II2 123 - Decree for Andros, 357/6 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIO 816 - Alliance with Thracian, Paionian and Illyrian kings

Decree (Council and People): Agora XVI 48 - Decree to protest to Aitolian League, 367/6 BC

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG I3 84 - Decree on the administration of the property of Kodros, Neleus and Basile

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1270 - Honours for two men from Pergamon

Decree 2 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1270 - Honours for two men from Pergamon

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1290 - Honours for the ephebes of 185/4 and their officers

Decree 2 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1313 - Honours for the ephebes of 177/6 and their officers

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1313 - Honours for the ephebes of 177/6 and their officers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1332 - Honours for the ephebes of 172/1 and their officers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1334 - Honours for the soldier Kalliphanes, messenger of the Roman victory at Pydna

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1256 - Honours for the ephebes of 197/6 and their officers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 898 - Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1264 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1363 - Catalogue of ephebes

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1292 - Honours for Kephisodoros

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1257 - Honours for a friend of king Eumenes II

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1258 - Honours for king Pharnakes and queen Nysa

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1288 - Honours for a sacred remembrancer (hieromnemon)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1329 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1372 - Honours for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1386 - Honours for a priest (of Asklepios?)

Decree (Council and People): SEG 18.22 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree (Council and People): SEG 18.24 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree (Council and People): I Délos 1499 - Honours for the priests on Delos

Decree (Council and People): Priests and Priestesses, 23 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree (Council and People): SEG 18.26 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree (Council and People): Priests and Priestesses, 25 - Honours for a priestess?

Decree (Council and People): SEG 18.27 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree (Council and People): I Eleusis 300 - Honours for the dadouch Themistokles

Decree (Council and People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 16 - Decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 40/39 or 39/38 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIO 954 - Cypress from Karpathos

Decree 1A (Council and People): AIO 959 - Decrees about reassessment of tribute of the Delian League, 425/4 BC ("Thoudippos' decrees")

Decree 2 (Council and People): AIO 959 - Decrees about reassessment of tribute of the Delian League, 425/4 BC ("Thoudippos' decrees")

Decree 2 (Council and People): AIUK 1 (Petworth House) no. 1 - Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (108/7 BC)

Decree (Council and People): AIO 968 - Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (103/2 BC)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1265 - Citizenship for Alexandros of Thessaly

Decree (Council and People?): IG II3 1 1283 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1384 - Citizenship decree for Hikesios of Ephesos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1392 - Citizenship decree for Straton son of Timon

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1393 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1303 - Citizenship decree for Klearchos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1394 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1356 - Proxeny decree for Eukleidas of Rhodes

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1374 - Proxeny decree for Nikeratos of Alexandria

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1276 - Proxeny decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1375 - Proxeny decree for Timarchos of Salamis

Decree [(Council and People)]: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 1 - Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries

Decree (Council and People): OR 108 - Decree about genos Praxiergidai

Decree (Council and People): AIO 1049 - Support for orphans of men killed under the oligarchy, ca. 410 BC?

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1338 - Honours for a man from Melite

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1354 - Honours

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1357 - Honours for a man from Kyzikos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1261 - Honours for a benefactor (from Pergamon?)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1262 - Decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1269 - Honours for Menandros of Pergamon

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1272 - Honours for Pausim[achos], courtier of king Eumenes II

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1273 - Honours for a man or men from Keos

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1369 - Decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1380 - Decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1388 - Honours for officials of Athena

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1413 - Honours

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1412 - Decree

Decree 1 (Council and People): OR 182 - Honours for Thrasyboulos [of Kalydon] and associates, 410/9 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIO 1137 - Decree about permanent dining rights (sitesis) in the city hall (prytaneion)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1277 - Honours for (a courtier of?) king Ptolemy V

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG II3 1 1281 - Honours for a cavalry commander

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1282 - Honours for a courtier of king Seleukos IV

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1287 - Honours for Zoilos, courtier of king Ptolemy V

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1291 - Honours for Aristokreon of Antioch

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1302 - Honours for the officials in charge of revenues

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1309 - Honours for Antiochos (later Antiochos IV?)

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1317 - Honours for Philetairos, brother of king Eumenes II

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1323 - Honours for king Eumenes II and his brothers

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1331 - Honours for Arrhi[daios], courtier of king Antiochos IV

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1336 - Honours for Diodoros, friend of king Eumenes II

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1326 - Decree

Decree (Council and People): I Eleusis 28a - On the first-fruits at Eleusis

Decree 1 (Council and People): AIO 1176 - Decrees honouring Neapolis in Thrace, 410/9 and ca. 407 BC

Decree 2 (Council and People): AIO 1176 - Decrees honouring Neapolis in Thrace, 410/9 and ca. 407 BC

Decree (Council and People): AIO 1177 - Honours for Archelaos, king of Macedon, 407/6 BC (?)

Decree (Council and People): AIO 1191 - Honours for foreigners who had supported democracy against the Thirty, 401/0 BC

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1427 - Fragment of decree

Decree (Council and People): IG II3 1 1437 - Decree

Decree 1 (Council and People): IG I3 136 - Decree about the cult of Bendis

Decree (Council and People): AIO 1284 - Decree concerning sacrifices at Eleusis

Decree (Council and People): AIO 1304 - Decree concerning the festival (of Hephaistos?)

Decree (Council and People?): IG II2 379 - Decree honouring a military figure

Decree (Council and People): IG I3 8 - Harbour fees and the cult of Poseidon at Sounion

Decree (Council and People): AIO 1835 - Treaty with Halikyai

Decree (Council and People): AIO 1836 - Decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 43/2 or 42/1 BC

Decree 2 (Council and People): AIO 1837 - Decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, ca. 20 BC

Decree (Council and People), Decree (People): AIO 1970 - Honours for Euagoras of Salamis, ca. 410 or 407 BC (?)

Decree 1 (Council and People): I Eleusis 229 - Decrees of Athenian Assembly and deme Eleusis honouring Pamphilos of Eleusis, the demarch

Decree (Council and People?): I Eleusis 209 - Decree (or dedication?) from Eleusis honouring Niketes of Pergase, 214/3 BC (?)

Decree (Council and People): Agora XVI 342 - Honours for an uncertain individual

Decree (Council of Four Hundred)

Decree 1 (Council of Four Hundred?): AIO 305 - Honours for Pythophanes

Decree (Council)

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 306 - Honours for the Council, councillors and Council officials

Decree 3 (Council): IG II3 1 306 - Honours for the Council, councillors and Council officials

Decree 4 (Council): IG II3 1 306 - Honours for the Council, councillors and Council officials

Decree 5 (Council): IG II3 1 306 - Honours for the Council, councillors and Council officials

Decree 2 (Council?): IG II3 1 311 - Honours for officials

Decree 1 (Council): IG II3 1 327 - Honours for Phyleus of Oinoe, [secretary to the Council and the People], and his associates

Decree 1 (Council): IG II3 1 337 - The Kitians granted permission to found a sanctuary of Aphrodite

Decree 1 (Council): IG II3 1 338 - Honours for Pytheas of Alopeke, manager of the water supply

Decree 2 (Council?): IG II3 1 359 - Honours for Androkles of Kerameis, priest of Asklepios

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 360 - Dedication by the Council and decree

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 367 - Five decrees honouring Herakleides of Salamis

Decree 4 (Council): IG II3 1 367 - Five decrees honouring Herakleides of Salamis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 368

Decree (Council?): IG II3 1 402 - Honours for Kephisophon of Paiania

Decree? (Council?): IG II3 1 536

Decree 1 (Council): AIO 286 - Tribal honours for taxiarch of Kekropis, 339/8 BC

Decree 2 (Council): AIO 305 - Honours for Pythophanes

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 888 - Honours for a prytany

Decree 1 (Council): IG II3 1 921 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 921 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis

Decree 1 (Council): IG II3 1 922 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 922 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree 1 (Council): IG II3 1 945 - Honours for Aristomenes of Paiania

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 983 - Honours for a prytany of Aigeis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1144 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1152 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1153 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1155 - Honours for the prytany of Pandionis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1162 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1168 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1177 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree 2 ([Council]): IG II3 1 1139 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree (Council?): IG II3 1 1189 - Honours for a priestess of Demeter

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1197 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1199 - Honours for a prytany

Decree ([Council]): IG II3 1 1210

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1211 - Honours for the prytany of [Aigeis]

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1212 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1222 - Honours for a prytany?

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1223 - Honours for the prytany of [Aigeis]

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1224 - Honours for the prytany of [Attalis]

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1231 - Honours for the prytany of Antigonis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1232 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1234 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1235 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1236 - Honours for a prytany

Decree 2 ([Council]): IG II3 1 1247 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1249 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1250

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1254 - Decree honouring a prytany

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 935 - Honours for a councillor

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 971 - Honours for a prytany

Decree 1 (Council): IG II3 1 1023 - Honours for the grain protectors (sitophylakes)

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1024 - Honours for prytany of Antiochis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1029 - Honours for the prytany of Pandionis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1034 - Honours for Herakleitos of Athmonon

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1036 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council): IG II2 18 - Honours for Dionysios of Syracuse, 394/3 BC

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1260 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree 1 (Council): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 15 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais, 192/1 BC

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1268 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1274 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1289 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1301 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree 1 (Council): IG II3 1 1307 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1310 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1320 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1321 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1328 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1333 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1373 - Honours for the priestess of Aglauros

Decree (Council): Priests and Priestesses, 20 - Honours for the priest of Zeus Soter

Decree (Council): SEG 18.29 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree (Council, tribute assessment): AIO 959 - Decrees about reassessment of tribute of the Delian League, 425/4 BC ("Thoudippos' decrees")

[Decree (Council)]: IG II3 1 1337 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1345 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree ([Council]): IG II3 1 1346 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1347 - Decree

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1355 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis

[Decree (Council)]: IG II3 1 1366 - Honours for a prytany

[Decree (Council)]: IG II3 1 1367 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1382 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1383 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1396 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree 2 (Council): IG II3 1 1397 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1398 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis

Decree ([Council]): IG II3 1 1399 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1400 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

Decree ([Council]): IG II3 1 1401 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis

Decree ([Council]): IG II3 1 1402 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree 2 ([Council]): IG II3 1 1408 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council?): IG II3 1 1418 - Fragment of decree

Decree (Council): IG II3 1 1300 - Honours for the commissioners for refurbishment of the Tholos

Decree (Council): IG II2 6 + Add. p. 655 - Restoration to Thasians of proxeny destroyed by Thirty

Decree 1 (Council): AIO 1240 - Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC

Decrees (Council): AIO 1798 - Three decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 79/8 BC

Decree 1 (Council?): AIO 1837 - Decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, ca. 20 BC

Decrees (Council): AIO 1838 - Four decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 37/6 or 36/5 BC

Decree (Council): IG II2 1046 - Council decree on repairs to the Asklepieion, 51/0 BC

Decree (Council): IG II3 4 1132 - Council decree on cult of Isis at Teithras and dedication of lattices

Decree (Council): Agora XVI 336 - Council decree on divine honours for Augustus

Decree (Council): I Rhamnous 179 - Council decree on the cult of Agdistis at Rhamnous

Decree (Council): I Rhamnous 423 - Council decree on repairs to Rhamnous fortress

Decree (Council): F.Delphes III 2 140 - Athenian Decree at Delphi concerning the Soteria

Decree (Council): AIO 2637 - Honours for Philoxenos

Decree (Council): IG II2 1072 - Honours for Antonius Oxylos of Elis, 99/100 AD

Decree (Council): Agora XV 324 - Honours for Ti. Claudius Attikos of Marathon

Decree (Council): Agora XV 322 - Honours for Tiberius Claudius Attikos of Marathon and Vibullia Alkia

Decree (Council): Agora XV 268 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Oineis, 57/6 or 53/2 BC

Decree (Council): Agora XV 270 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Akamantis, 53/2 BC

Decree (Council): Agora XV 267 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis

Decree (Council?): Agora XV 275 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais

Decree (Council): SEG 28.92 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Hippothontis

Decree (Council)?: Agora XV 272 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Leontis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 277 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Pandionis

Decree (Council): SEG 32.182 - List of names

Decree (Council): SEG 28.158 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 265 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Pandionis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 266 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aigeis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 280 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Hippothontis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 283 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 278 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Hippothontis, 47/6 or 45/4 BC

Decree (Council): Agora XV 282 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Leontis

Decree (Council): SEG 28.160 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 287 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): SEG 28.95 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais

Decree (Council): AIO 2797 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Kekropis, 30/29 BC or 17/6 BC

Decree (Council): Agora XV 264 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Pandionis

Decree (Council): SEG 28.94 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Oineis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 291 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis, 24/3 or 21/0 BC

Decree (Council): AIO 2801 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Kekropis, 24/3 or 21/0 BC

Decree (Council): Agora XV 281 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Erechtheis, 24/3 or 21/0 BC

Decree (Council): Agora XV 293 - Honours for the prytany and prytany treasurer of Pandionis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 307 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Leontis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 289 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 295 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 296 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 297 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 298 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 301 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Antiochis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 303 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais

Decree (Council): Agora XV 300 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 304 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Oineis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 271 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 273 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 274 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 306 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 289a - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis

Decree (Council): SEG 28.163 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais

Decree (Council): Agora XV 294 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 315 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Kekropis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 316 - Honours for a prytany treasurer

Decree (Council): Agora XV 318 - Honours for a prytany treasurer of Pandionis

Decree (Council): AIO 2832 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Erechtheis

Decree (Council): Agora XV 263 - Honours for a prytany treasurer?

Decree (Council/People)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 300

Decree 1 (Council/People): IG II3 1 304 - Honours for the Pellanians

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 305 - Honours for officials

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 307 - Honours for Kephallenians or Lampsakenes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 314

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 317 - Proxeny for Drakontides and Hegesias of Andros

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 319 - Honours for Alkimachos

Decree 2 (Council/People): IG II3 1 327 - Honours for Phyleus of Oinoe, [secretary to the Council and the People], and his associates

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 328

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 332

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 340 - Proxeny for a Chian

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 342 - Proxeny (for Theophantos?)

Decree 1 (Council/People): IG II3 1 343 - Honours for Theophantos

Decree 2 (Council/People): IG II3 1 343 - Honours for Theophantos

Decree 1 (Council/People): IG II3 1 346 - Honours for a son of Aristeides

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 350

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 353

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 354 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 363 - Isoteleia for Phanostratos and his brother

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 364

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 365 - Decree honouring a priest

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 369 - Honours for religious officials

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 371 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 372

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 374

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 382

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 383 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 386

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 387 - Decree relating to Sestos

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 388 - On the affairs of Akanthos and Dion

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 389 - Dedication by officials and honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 391

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 392 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 393 - Honours for [Achaians]

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 394 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 10 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 396 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 397 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 400 - Honorific decree

Decree 1 (Council/People): IG II3 1 403 - Proxeny for Apelles of Byzantium

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 404 - Honours for exiles

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 406 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 407

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 408

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 409

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 412 - Treaty with Eretria

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 413

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 415

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 420 - Proxeny for an Eretrian

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 422

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 423 - Honours for an actor

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 424 - Honorific decree?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 427

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 434 - Proxeny for Lyko- of Pydna

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 435 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 436 - Honours for an actor

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 437 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 438

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 442

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 446

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 450 - Honours for Artikleides

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 451

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 452 - Honours for Peisitheides of Delos

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 453 - Decree bestowing citizenship

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 455 - Decree honouring Iatrokles

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 456 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 457

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 458 - Honours for officials

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 460

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 461 - Honours for foreigners

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 462 - Honours for men from the kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporos

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 463

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 464 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 465

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 468 - Honours for Apses and Hieron of Tyre

Decree 1 (Council/People): IG II3 1 469 - Honours for Kallikratides of Steiria, the recorder

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 470 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 471

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 474 - Proxeny for Ph- son of Admetos of Priene

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 475 - Proxeny for a son of Thyion

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 476 - Honours for the presiding committee?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 477

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 478 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 481

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 483 - Proxeny for Sostratos of Herakleia

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 486

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 487 - Lease of sacred land?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 489 - On the Chalkidians

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 490 - Decree bestowing citizenship

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 491 - End of a citizenship decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 492 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 494 - Fragment of a treaty?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 495 - Proxeny for a man from Akragas (?)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 496 - Proxeny for Praxias

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 497 - Honours for a man from Kroton

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 499 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 500 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 501 - Honours for a man from the Chersonese

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 502 - Honours for exiles

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 503 - Honours for exiles

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 504 - Honours for Akarnanians from Astakos

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 505

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 506

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 508

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 509

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 510

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 511

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 512 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 513 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 515 - Proxeny (?)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 516 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 517 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 518 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 520 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 521 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 522 - Honours for -aris

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 523 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 524 - Honorific decree (?)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 525

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 526

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 527

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 528 - Honours for Eupatas

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 529

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 530

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 534

Decree (Council/People, or Tribe?): IG II3 1 552

Decree (Council/People, or Phratry): IG II3 1 555

Decree 1 (Council/People): OR 144 - Decrees relating to the treasury of the Other Gods ("Kallias' decrees")

Decree 2 (Council/People): OR 144 - Decrees relating to the treasury of the Other Gods ("Kallias' decrees")

Decree 1 (Council/People): OR 150 - Decrees for Methone

Decree 2 (Council/People): OR 150 - Decrees for Methone

Decree 3 (Council/People): OR 150 - Decrees for Methone

Decree 4 (Council/People): OR 150 - Decrees for Methone

Decree (Council/People): IG I3 118 - Ratification of Alcibiades’ treaty with Selymbria

Decree (Council/People): AIO 310 - Decree concerning Carthage

Decree 1 (Council/People): SEG 50.45 - Honours for Polypeithes of Siphnos

Decree 2 (Council/People): SEG 50.45 - Honours for Polypeithes of Siphnos

Decree 1 (Council/People): AIO 313 - Honours for Herakleides of Klazomenai

Decree (Council/People): AIO 314 - Decree about priestess and temple of Athena Nike

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 845

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 849 - Honours for Athenians

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 850

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 851

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 852

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 854

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 855

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 856 - Citizenship for a poet

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 858

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 859

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 861

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 860

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 862

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 865

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 869

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 873

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 874

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 876

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 878 - Honours for Epainetos

Decree 3 (Council/People): IG II3 1 888 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 889 - Concerning a procession

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 891

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 894 - Honours for the prytany of Antigonis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 895

Decree (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1115

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 906

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 909

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 913

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 916

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 923

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 925 - Honours for officials responsible for grain and Rhodians who have assisted them

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 926 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 927 - Honours for generals

Decree 1 (Council/People): IG II3 1 929 - Honours for a Theban [pipe-player?]

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 930 - Honours for a prytany of Leontis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 931

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 932 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 933

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 934

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 936 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 937 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 940 - Honours for a Sidonian and others

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 941

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 942

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 943

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 944

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 947 - Honours for the prytany of Demetrias

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 949 - Honours for commanders of the cavalry (hipparchs) and of the tribal contingents of cavalry (phylarchs)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 950 - Honours for the archon and assistants

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 952 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1090

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1093 - Honours for a prytany (?)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 981 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 992

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 994

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1148 - Honours for Prytanis [of Karystos]

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1150 - Honours for the Ephesians

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1151 - On the dedication of a censer and dish

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1156

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1157

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1163

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1169 - Honours for the ephebes of 209/8 and their officers

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1173

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1174

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1175

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1180 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1183 - On festival competitions and official missions (theoriai)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1195 - Decree honouring ephebes?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1196 - Decree honouring ephebes?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1200 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1201 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1202 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1203 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1204 - Honours for a prytany?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1205 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1206 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1207 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1208 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1209 - Honours for service connected with Eleusis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1214 - Honours for Therson

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1219 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1225 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1226 - Honours for the prytany of Demetrias

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1229

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1233 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1237 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1239 - Honours for envoys from Priene sent to the Panathenaia

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1240 - Honours for a (doctor?) from Cos

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1243 - Citizenship for an Eretrian

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1244 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1245 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1251

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1252

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1253

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1255

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1160 - Honours for Eurykleides of Kephisia

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1019 - Honours for Aristomachos of Argos

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 954 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 955 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 956 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 957 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 958 - Decree at Delphi on an alliance with the Aitolians

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 959 - A prytany of Demetrias

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 960 - A prytany of Demetrias

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 963 - Citizenship

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 965

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 966 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 968

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 969

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 970

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 972

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 973 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 976 - Honours for foreigners

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 978 - Prytany honours

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 979

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1012

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1013

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1014 - Honours for an official

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1015

Decree 2 (Council/People): IG II3 1 1021 - Honours for Thibron

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1030 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1031 - Honours for the ephebes and officials

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1032 - Concerning Lemnos

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1035 - Honours for a citizen

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1037 - Honours for a foreigner

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1038 - Citizenship

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1039

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1041 - Proxeny

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1042

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1045

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1046

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1047 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1048 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1049 - Honours for a foreigner

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1050

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1051 - Honours for an Athenian

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1052 - Honours for officials

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1053

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1054 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1058 - Honours for prytany of Kekropis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1055 - Honours for officials

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1062 - Honours for ephebes and officials

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1063 - Honours for ephebes and officials

Decree 2 (Council/People): IG II3 1 1064 - Honours for Aischron son of Proxenos and another

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1070 - Honours for prytany of Aiantis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1071 - Honours for prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1072

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1075

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1078 - Citizenship

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1079

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1080 - Prytany honours

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1081 - Honours for the prytany of Demetrias

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1082 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1083 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1084 - Prytany honours

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1085 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1086 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1087 - Honours for prytany of Hippothontis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1088 - Honours for a prytany(?)

Decree? (Council/People): IG II3 1 1089

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1091 - Honours for a prytany (?)

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1092 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis (?)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1095

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1096

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1097

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1098

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1099

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1100

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1101

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1102

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1103

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1106 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1107 - Honorific decree

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1109

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1110 - Honours for a benefactor

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1111 - Decree honouring ephebes?

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1112 - Decree honouring prytany or ephebes?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1113 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1114

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1116

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1117

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1118 - Honours for a Spartan (?)

Decree (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1120

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1121

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1122

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1123 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis(?)

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1124

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1125

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1126

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1127

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1129

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1130

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1131

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1132 - Honorific decree

Decree? (Council/People?): IG II3 1 1133

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1134 - Honorific decree?

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1128 - Honours for ephebes (?)

Decree 2 (Council/People): RO 22 - Decree inviting states to join the Second Athenian League, 378/7 BC

Decree (Council/People): AIO 814 - Alliance with Karystos, 357/6 BC

Decree (Council/People): Matthaiou, Ἔξι Ἀττικὲς ἐπιγραφὲς 97-116 - Alliance with Thracian kings

Decree (Council/People): RO 29 - Decree of Athens and decision (dogma) of Second Athenian League for Paros, 373/2 and 372/1 BC

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1285 - Honours for the ephebes of 186/5 and their officers

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1322 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1342 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1361 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1362 - Honours for the ephebes and their officers

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1364 - Catalogue of ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1365 - Catalogue of ephebes

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1376 - Ephebic decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1339 - Honours for the priest of Kalliste

Decree (Council/People): SEG 58.145 - Decree relating to the Aglaurion and the genos Euenoridai

Decree 1 (Council/People): Matthaiou, Studies, 89-107 - Decrees about the tribute of the Delian League ("Kleonymos' Decree")

Decree 2 (Council/People): Matthaiou, Studies, 89-107 - Decrees about the tribute of the Delian League ("Kleonymos' Decree")

Decree (Council/People): OR 155 - Decree enforcing use of Athenian coins, weights and measures

Decree (Council/People): IG I3 93 - Decrees relating to the Sicilian expedition

Decree (Council/People): AIUK 1 (Petworth House) no. 1 - Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (108/7 BC)

Decree? (Council/People): IG II2 1942 - Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (ca. 100 BC)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1341 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1385 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1359 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1340 - Citizenship decree for Timonides

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1358 - Citizenship decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1390 - Citizenship decree for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos

Decree 3 (Council/People?): IG I3 40 - Athenian relations with Chalkis

Decree 1 (Council/People?): IG I3 40 - Athenian relations with Chalkis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1348 - Honours

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1349 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1350 - Honours

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1351 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1352 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1353 - Honours

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1360 - Honours

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1271 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1368 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1370 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1371 - Honours

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1378 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

[Decree (Council/People)]: IG II3 1 1379 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1381 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1387 - Honours for Xen-

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1389 - Honours for the son of Zenothemis of Miletos

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1391 - Honours for the People of Seleukeia of Pieria

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1403 - Honours for a prytany (?)

[Decree (Council/People)]: IG II3 1 1404 - Name list from decree honouring the prytany of Kekropis

[Decree (Council/People)]: IG II3 1 1406 - Decree honouring a prytany (?)

[Decree (Council/People)]: IG II3 1 1407 - Decree honouring a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1409 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1410 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1417 - Honours (?)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1414 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1411 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1280 - Honours (for an Athenian)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1294 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1297 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1306 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1308 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1312 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1314 - Decree

Decree (Council/People? Other group?): IG II3 1 1315 - Honours for a merchant

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1319 - Decree concerning grain supply

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1327 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1335 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1325 - Decree

Decree (Council/People) (?): IG II3 1 1419 - Fragment of decree (?)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1431 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1433 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1438 - Decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1439 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1440 - Decree honouring a prytany

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1448 - Honorific decree (?)

Decree (Council/People): IG II3 1 1454 - Honorific decree

Decree (Council/People): AIO 1257 - Decree relating to a place in Euboea?

Decree (Council/People): SEG 64.30b - Fragment of decree relating to Erythrai

Decree (Council/People): AIO 1741 - Fragment of decree relating to garrison-commander

Decree (Council/People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 2 - Regulations for Erythrai

Decree (Council/People): SEG 66.125 - Decree about weights and measures

Decree (Council and People): SEG 47.143a - Assembly decree regarding a dispute on Lemnos

Decree (Council and People): SEG 47.143b - Assembly decree regarding a dispute on Lemnos

Decree (Council/People?): I Eleusis 104 - Decree fragment from Eleusis

Decree (Council/People?): I Eleusis 135 - Decree from Eleusis on religious matters

Decree (Council and People): AIO 2439 - Assembly decrees restoring various sanctuaries and other public properties

Decree (Council/People): Matthaiou, Nέο θραῦσμα, 91-93 - Decrees of Athenian Assembly and Kollytos, 327/6 BC

Decree (Council and People): IG II2 1047 - Assembly Decrees, 49/8 BC

Decree (Council and People): IG IV2 1 82-84 - Honours for T. Statilius Lamprias of Epidauros

Decree (Council and People): AIO 2734 - Divine honours for the Severans

Decree (Council and People): SEG 30.82 - Honours for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos and sons

Decree (Deme Acharnai)

Decree (Deme Acharnai): Csapo and Wilson II, 51-4 - Decree of Acharnai on funding an annual sacrifice from revenue from the theatre

Decree (Deme Acharnai): Csapo and Wilson II, 54-9 - Two honorific decrees of the deme Acharnai, 315/4 BC

Decree (Deme Acharnai): Csapo and Wilson II, 54-9 - Two honorific decrees of the deme Acharnai, 315/4 BC

Decree (Deme Acharnai): IG II2 1207 - Decree of Acharnai honouring priestess of Athena Hippia

Decree (Deme Acharnai): SEG 21.519 - Decree of Acharnai on constructing altars for Ares and Athena Areia

Decree (Deme Aixone)

Decree (Deme Aixone): SEG 46.154 - Decree of Aixone awarding honours for management of a festival

Decree (Deme Aixone): IG II2 1199 - Decree of Aixone awarding honours connected with the festival of Hebe, 320/19 BC

Decree (Deme Aixone): IG II2 1197 + Add. p. 672 - Decree of Aixone honouring officials (syndikoi?)

Decree (Deme Aixone): Ackermann, Aixone, 112-117 no. 2 - Decree of Aixone honouring the choregoi, Demokrates and Hegesias, 326/5 BC

Decree (Deme Aixone): IG II2 1200 - Decree of Aixone honouring the choregoi, Leontios and Glaukon, 317/6 BC

Decree (Deme Aixone): SEG 36.186 - Decree of Aixone honouring the choregoi, Auteas and Philoxenides, 340/339 BC (?)

Decree (Deme Aixone): IG II2 1202 - Decree of Aixone honouring Kallikrates and Aristokrates, 340/339 BC (?)

Decree (Deme Aixone): IG II2 1201 - Decree of Aixone honouring Demetrios of Phaleron

Decree (Deme Aixone): Ackermann, Aixone, 216-234 no. 8 - Decree of Aixone regulating payments for pasturage, 326/5 BC (?)

Decree (Deme Anagyrous)

Honorific decree (deme Anagyrous?): IG II2 1210 - Honorific decree of deme Anagyrous?

Decree (Deme Athmonon)

Decree 4 (Deme Athmonon): IG II2 1156 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Deme Athmonon): IG II2 1203 - Decree of Athmonon honouring the merarchai of 325/4 BC

Decree (Deme Cholargos)

Decree (Deme Cholargos): IG II2 1184 - Sacrificial regulation for the Thesmophoria at Cholargos

Decree (Deme Eitea)

Decree (Deme Eitea): SEG 28.102 - Decree of Eitea honouring Hippokles son of Demokles, 332/1 BC?

Decree (Deme Eleusis and soldiers)

Decree (Deme Eleusis and soldiers): I Eleusis 95 - Honours for Xenokles of Sphettos

Decree (Deme Eleusis)

Decree 3 (Deme Eleusis): IG II2 1156 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Deme and Athenian soldiers at Eleusis): I Eleusis 193 - The Eleusinians and Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour King Antigonos

Decree 2 (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 196 - Athenian and mercenary soldiers at Eleusis and the Eleusinians honour a general, Aristophanes of Leukonoion

Decree (deme Eleusis): AIO 1969 - Dedication inscribed with decree of deme Eleusis honouring ephebes of Hippothontis and their controller (sophronistes), 334/3 BC

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 68 - Honorific decree of deme Eleusis

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 70 - Decrees of Eleusis honouring two Thebans

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 71 - Decree of Eleusis honouring a Theban

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 72 - Decree of Eleusis honouring the hierophant, Hierokleides

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 74 - Decree of Eleusis

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 80 - Decree of Eleusis honouring the patrol-commander (peripolarch), Smikythion

Decrees (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 85 - Decrees of Eleusis relating to leasing of quarries

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 96 - Decree of Eleusis honouring a man from Phyle

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 99 - Decree of Eleusis honouring Derkylos of Hagnous

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 101 - Decree of Eleusis honouring the demarch

Decree (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 189 - Decree of deme Eleusis

Decree (Deme Eleusis and/or soldiers stationed there): I Eleusis 185 - Decree of [deme Eleusis and?] soldiers stationed there (?) honouring [Philok]omos

Decree (Deme Eleusis and Athenians resident there): I Eleusis 191 - Decree of deme Eleusis and Athenians residing there honouring [a general?]

Decree 2 (Deme Eleusis): I Eleusis 229 - Decrees of Athenian Assembly and deme Eleusis honouring Pamphilos of Eleusis, the demarch

Decree (Deme Epikephisia)

Decree (Deme Epikephisia): IG II2 1205 - Decree of Epikephisia honouring those chosen to prosecute Neokles

Decree (Deme Euonymon)

Decree (deme Euonymon): AIO 2551 - Decree of Euonymon honouring an official

Decree (Deme Gargettos)

Decree (Deme Gargettos): SEG 46.155 - Decree of Gargettos honouring Epikydes

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides)

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): SEG 42.112 - Decree of Halai Aixonides honouring the priest of Apollo Zoster and demesmen collaborating with him

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): IG II2 1174 - Decree of Halai Aixonides prescribing an audit procedure, 368/7 BC

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): IG II2 1175 - Decree of Halai Aixonides relating to irregularities

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): SEG 59.142 - Decree of Halai Aixonides honouring the deme treasurers, 338/7 BC

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): SEG 49.141 - Decree of Halai Aixonides honouring the deme treasurer and hieropoioi, 290/89 (?) BC

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): SEG 49.142 - Fragment of a decree of Halai Aixonides

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): Peek, Attische Inschriften, 10 no. 8 - Decree of Halai Aixonides

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): Peek, Attische Inschriften, 8 no. 6a - Honorific decree of Halai Aixonides

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): Peek, Attische Inschriften, 9 no. 6b - Honorific decree of Halai Aixonides

Decree (Deme Halai Aixonides): Peek, Attische Inschriften, 9 no. 6c - Fragment of a decree of Halai Aixonides

Decree (Deme Halai Araphenides)

Decree (Deme Halai Araphenides): SEG 46.153 - Decree of Halai Araphenides honouring choregoi, 341/0 BC

Decree (Deme Halai Araphenides): SEG 34.103 - Decree of Halai Araphenides honouring a deme liturgist

Decree (Deme Halai Araphenides): AIO 2588 - Decree of Halai Araphenides honouring two non-members of the deme

Decree (Deme Halimous)

Decree (Deme Halimous): SEG 2.7 - Decree of Halimous honouring Charisandros

Decree (Deme Ikarion)

Decree (Deme Ikarion): Csapo and Wilson II, 153-62 - Decree of Ikarion regulating Rural Dionysia

Decree (Deme Ikarion): AIO 2550 - Decree of Ikarion honouring demarch

Decree (Deme Ikarion): IG II2 1178 - Decree of Ikarion honouring demarch and choregoi

Decree (Deme Ikarion): IG II2 1179 - Decree of Ikarion honouring demarch

Decree (Deme Kephisia)

Decree (Deme Kephisia): AIO 2696 - Honorific decree of Kephisia

Decree (Deme Kollytos)

Decree (Deme Kollytos): Matthaiou, Nέο θραῦσμα, 91-93 - Decrees of Athenian Assembly and Kollytos, 327/6 BC

Decree (Deme Kydathenaion)

Decree (Deme Kydathenaion): Agora XVI 68 - Two decrees of Kyd[athenaion]

Decree (Deme Kydathenaion): Agora XVI 68 - Two decrees of Kyd[athenaion]

Decree (Deme Lamptrai)

Decree (Deme Lamptrai): IG II2 1204 - Decree of Lamptrai honouring Philokedes of Acharnai

Decree (Deme Melite)

Decree (Deme Melite): IG II3 4 1057 - Honours for Neoptolemos of Melite

Decree (Deme Melite?): AIO 2841 - Decree of [Melite?] honouring Satyra, priestess of the Thesmophoroi

Decree (Deme Myrrhinous)

Decree (Deme Myrrhinous): IG II2 1182 - Decree of Myrrhinous honouring Pheidippos

Decree (Deme Myrrhinous): AIO 2599 - Decree of deme Myrrhinous relating to euthynai and other matters

Decree (Deme Paiania)

Decree (Deme Paiania): CGRN 25 - Deme decree relating to cult at Paiania

Decree (Deme Phrearrhioi)

Decree (deme Phrearrhioi?): CGRN 103 - Decree concerning Eleusinian cults at Phrearrhioi

Decree (Deme Piraeus)

Decree (Deme Piraeus): IG II2 1177 - Decree of deme Piraeus concerning the Thesmophorion

Decree (deme Piraeus): Agora XVI 160 - Decree of deme Piraeus about funding of construction works

Decrees (Deme Piraeus): AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 1 - Decrees of the deme Piraeus about the lease of the deme theatre, 324/3 BC

Decree: AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 3 - Decree of the deme Piraeus honouring Kallidamas of Cholleidai

Decree (Deme Plotheia)

Decree (Deme Plotheia): IG I3 258 - Decree of the deme Plotheia

Decree (Deme Rhamnous)

Decree (Deme Rhamnous?): AIO 823 - Rhamnous honours the general Epichares of Ikarion

Decree (Deme Rhamnous?): AIO 837 - Rhamnous honours Dikaiarchos of Thria

Decree (Deme Rhamnous?): I Rhamnous 4 - Rhamnous (?) honours a general and soldiers

Decree (Deme Rhamnous): AIO 844 - Rhamnous honours its demarch (?)

Decree (Deme Rhamnous): I Rhamnous 7 - Rhamnous awards divine honours to king Antigonos

Decree (Deme Skambonidai)

Decree (Deme Skambonidai): AIUK 4.1 (BM, Cult Provisions) no. 3 - Ordinances of deme Skambonidai

Decree (Deme Sounion)

Decree (Deme Sounion): IG II2 1180 - Decree of deme Sounion providing for creation of a new agora, donated by Leukios

Decree (Deme Sphettos)

Decree (Deme Sphettos): Csapo and Wilson II, 247-52 - Decree of Sphettos honouring a benefactor

Decree (Deme Thorikos)

Decree (deme Thorikos): SEG 34.107 - Decree of Thorikos about choregiai

Decree (deme Thorikos): Csapo and Wilson II, 266-9 - Decree of Thorikos about choregoi

Decree (Deme)

Decree (Deme Acharnai or Kydantidai?): IG II2 1173 - Honorific decree (of a deme? Acharnai? Kydantidai?)

Decree (Deme): IG II2 1215 - Decree of a deme

Decree (Demes Kydantidai and Ionidai)

Deme (Kydantidai and Ionidai): SEG 39.148 - Decree of Kydantidai and Ionidai

Decree (Dionysiac artists)

Decree (Dionysiac artists): IG II2 1320 - Decree of artists of Dionysos honouring officials

Decree (Dionysiac artists): I Eleusis 271 - Decree of artists of Dionysos honouring their manager, Philemon

Decree (technitai of Dionysos): AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 9 - Decree of ecumenical technitai of Dionysos

Decree (Ephebic)

Decree (ephebic): SEG 50.155 - Ephebic decree and transcript of ephebic oration, 184/5 AD

Decree (Genos Eumolpidai)

Decree (Genos Eumolpidai): I Eleusis 93 - Decree of the Eumolpidai honouring Neoptolemos of Melite

Decree (genos Eumolpidai?): I Eleusis 233 - Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant

Decree (genos Eumolpidai?): I Eleusis 234 - Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant

Decree (Genos Kerykes)

Decree (Genos Kerykes): I Eleusis 87 - Decree of the Kerykes honouring Xenokles of Sphettos

Decree (Genos Kerykes): I Eleusis 100 - Decree of the genos Kerykes honouring Euthydemos, deputy of the basileus

Decree (Genos)

Decree (Genos): RO 37 - Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute

Decree (Genos): AIO 948 - Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute

Decree (Genē Kerykes and Eumolpidai)

Decree (Genē Kerykes and Eumolpidai): I Eleusis 201 - Decree of Kerykes and Eumolpidai honouring the hierophant, Chairetios of Eleusis

Decree (Genē Kerykes and Eumolpidai): I Eleusis 221 - Decree of Kerykes and Eumolpidai honouring Philonides of Laodikea

Decree (Gonnoi)

Decree 1 (Gonnoi): IG II3 1 1145 - Honours for receivers of sacred delegates (theorodokoi) and decree of Gonnoi

Decree (Hypaithroi)

Decree (Hypaithroi): I Eleusis 200 - Decree of soldiers of the open country (hypaithroi) at Eleusis honouring Asklepiades of Phyle, 224/3 BC

Decree (Manumission record)

Decree (Manumission record): CID V 534 - Manumission at Delphi of Arsinoa, slave of Xenon

Decree (Other city)

Decree (Other city, Sardis): Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 1 - Sardis honours Hadrian

Decree (Other city, Synnada): Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 2 - Synnada honours Hadrian

Decree (Other city, Thyateira): AIO 2847 - Thyateira honours Hadrian

Decree (Panhellenes)

Decree (Panhellenes): Oliver, Marcus Aurelius 5 - Decree of the Panhellenion admitting Magnesia on the Maiandros

Decree (Panhellenion: I Eleusis 489 - The Eleusinian Endowment

Decree (Paraloi)

Decree (Paraloi): IG II2 1254 - Honorific decree of the Paraloi

Decree (Paraloi): Petzl, Das Wrack no. 3 - Honorific decree of the Paraloi

Decree (People)

Decree (People?) and Correction: IG II3 1 292 - On the boundaries of the sacred tract

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 294 - Proxeny for Theogenes of Naukratis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 295 - Honours for Orontes

Decree (People): IG II3 1 297 - On an Eleusinian matter

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 298 - Honours for Spartokos and Pairisades, rulers of the Cimmerian Bosporos, and their brother, Apollonios

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 298 - Honours for Spartokos and Pairisades, rulers of the Cimmerian Bosporos, and their brother, Apollonios

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 302 - Honours for Dioskourides of Abdera and his brothers

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 304 - Honours for the Pellanians

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 306 - Honours for the Council, councillors and Council officials

Decree (People): IG II3 1 308 - Treaty with Messene

Decree (People): IG II3 1 309 - Honours for the Elaiousians

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 311 - Honours for officials

Decree (People): IG II3 1 312 - Proxeny for Phokinos, Nikandros and Dexi-

Decree (People): IG II3 1 313 - Honours for the People of Tenedos and Aratos of Tenedos

Decree (People): IG II3 1 316 - Honours for Akarnanians

Decree (People): IG II3 1 321

Decree (People): IG II3 1 322 - Honours for a courtier of Philip II

Decree (People): IG II3 1 323 - Honours for an official (prytany secretary?)

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 324 - Honours for Euenor of Akarnania

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 326

Decree 3 (People): IG II3 1 327 - Honours for Phyleus of Oinoe, [secretary to the Council and the People], and his associates

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 330

Decree 2 (People?): IG II3 1 333 - Archippos of Thasos granted citizenship

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 333 - Archippos of Thasos granted citizenship

Decree (People): IG II3 1 334

Decree (People): IG II3 1 335 - Honours for Amyntor son of Demetrios

Decree (People): IG II3 1 336 - Decree honouring the general, Diotimos (?)

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 337 - The Kitians granted permission to found a sanctuary of Aphrodite

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 338 - Honours for Pytheas of Alopeke, manager of the water supply

Decree (People): IG II3 1 339 - Honours for Mnemon and Kallias of Herakleia

Decree (People): IG II3 1 344 - Honours for a son of Onoma-

Decree (People): IG II3 1 345 - Honours for a Plataian

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 346 - Honours for a son of Aristeides

Decree (People): IG II3 1 347 - Honours for Amphis of Andros

Decree (People): IG II3 1 349 - Honours for Amphiaraos

Decree (People): IG II3 1 352 - Honours for Eudemos of Plataia

Decree (People): IG II3 1 355 - Honours for the managers of the Amphiaraia

Decree (People): IG II3 1 356 - Honours for a son of -oiros of Larisa

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 357

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 358 - Honours for Eurylochos of Kydonia

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 359 - Honours for Androkles of Kerameis, priest of Asklepios

Decree (People): IG II3 1 361 - Decree honouring Thymondas (?)

Decree (People): IG II3 1 362

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 366

Decree 3 (People): IG II3 1 367 - Five decrees honouring Herakleides of Salamis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 367 - Five decrees honouring Herakleides of Salamis

Decree 5 (People): IG II3 1 367 - Five decrees honouring Herakleides of Salamis

Decree (People, incorporated in naval inventories): IG II3 1 370 - Decree about colonising expedition to the Adriatic

Decree (People): IG II3 1 373

Decree (People): IG II3 1 375 - Honours for Lapyris of Kleonai

Decree (People): IG II3 1 376 - Decree about the Phokians

Decree (People): IG II3 1 377 - Honours for Euphron of Sikyon

Decree (People): IG II3 1 378 - Honours for Euphron of Sikyon

Decree (People): IG II3 1 379 - Proxeny for Apollonides son of Demetrios of Sidon

Decree (People): IG II3 1 380 - Honours for a son of Demetrios

Decree (People): IG II3 1 384

Decree (People): IG II3 1 385

Decree (People): IG II3 1 399 - On Euboean affairs

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 401 - Honours for the People of Tenedos and certain citizens of Tenedos

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 403 - Proxeny for Apelles of Byzantium

Decree (People): IG II3 1 405 - Proxeny for a Phaselite

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 410

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 411 - Honours for Arybbas king of the Molossians

Decree (People): IG II3 1 414 - Honours for an allied city

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 418 - Honours for Asklepiodoros

Decree (People): IG II3 1 419 - Honours for -kles son of Sotairos of Amphipolis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 421 - Honorific decree

Decree (People): IG II3 1 430 - Honours for Ph- of Salamis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 432 - Proxeny for Sopatros of Akragas

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 433 - Agreement with Sokles

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 439 - Honours for Dionysios

Decree (People): IG II3 1 440 - Honours for Potamon and others

Decree (People): IG II3 1 441 - Honours for Pandios of Herakleia

Decree (People): IG II3 1 447 - Law and decree about the Little Panathenaia

Decree (People): IG II3 1 466 - Honorific decree

Decree (People): IG II3 1 467

Decree (People): IG II3 1 473 - Honours for Nikostratos

Decree (People): IG II3 1 479 - Proxeny for a Hestiaian

Decree (People): IG II3 1 480 - Honours for a Plataian

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 482 - On the Tenians

Decree (People): IG II3 1 484 - Honours for friends of the king and of Antipater

Decree (People): IG II3 1 485 - Honours for the People of Kythnos

Decree (People): IG II3 1 493 - Proxeny

Decree (People): IG II3 1 498 - Honorific decree

Decree (People): IG II3 1 507 - Honorific decree

Decree (People): IG II3 1 519 - Honorific decree

Decree (People): Matthaiou, Ta en tei stelei, 57–70 - Reaffirmed alliance with Egesta, 418/7 BC

Decree (People): IG I3 46 - Foundation of colony at Brea

Decree (People): IG I3 46 - Foundation of colony at Brea

Decree (People): IG I3 110 - Decree for Oiniades of (Palai)skiathos

Decree (People): IG I3 127 - Honours for the Samians

Decree 3 (People): AIO 313 - Honours for Herakleides of Klazomenai

Decree (People): IG II3 1 844 - Honours for an Athenian ambassador to Kassandros

Decree (People): IG II3 1 846 - Honours for the brothers Aristolas and Sostratos

Decree (People): IG II3 1 847 - Proxeny for Mikalion of Alexandria

Decree (People): IG II3 1 853 - Honours for the benefactor Herodoros

Decree (People): IG II3 1 857 - Honours for Philippides of Paiania

Decree (People): IG II3 1 864 - Proxeny for Habron and Matrias

Decree (People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 12 - Honours for King Spartokos III of the Bosporan kingdom, 285/4 BC

Decree (People): IG II3 1 871 - Citizenship for King Audoleon

Decree (People): IG II3 1 872 - Honours for a courtier of King Audoleon

Decree (People): IG II3 1 880 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 881 - Honours for the archon Euthios

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 883 - Honours for the Tenian People

Decree 1 (People?): IG II3 1 884 - Honours for the cavalry commander Komeas

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 885 - Honours for the cavalry commander Komeas

Decree (People): IG II3 1 886 - Honours for a prytany?

Decree (People): IG II3 1 887 - Honours for a prytany

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 888 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 892 - Honours for the People of Tenedos

Decree (People): IG II3 1 896 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 900 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 905 - Honours for the managers of Zeus Soter

Decree (People): IG II3 1 910 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 912 - Alliance between Athens and Sparta

Decree (People): IG II3 1 920 - Honours for the archon Nikias and others

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 929 - Honours for a Theban [pipe-player?]

Decree (People): IG II3 1 946 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 948 - Honours for Elaians

Decree (People): IG II3 1 980 - Posthumous honours for Zeno of Kition

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 983 - Honours for a prytany of Aigeis

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 985 - Honours for Phaidros of Sphettos

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 995 - Honours for a competition director

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 995 - Honours for a competition director

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1005 - On the Soteria festival at Delphi

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1006 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1136 - Honours connected with king A[ntigonos?] and the Aitolians

Decree 1 ([People]): IG II3 1 1144 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1146 - Honours for Kastor, friend of king Ptolemy

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1149 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1153 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1155 - Honours for the prytany of Pandionis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1159

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1162 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1165 - Honours for the prytany of Antigonis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1168 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1172

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1177 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1139 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 1191

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1198 - Honours for a prytany

Decree 1 ([People]): IG II3 1 1224 - Honours for the prytany of [Attalis]

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1231 - Honours for the prytany of Antigonis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1238 - Honours for Eris of Byzantium and other Byzantines

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1246 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree 1 ([People]): IG II3 1 1247 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1248 - Honours for a prytany?

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 1137 - Decrees honouring Eumaridas of Kydonia and his son Charmion

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1137 - Decrees honouring Eumaridas of Kydonia and his son Charmion

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1190 - Honours for Kydonia

Decree (People): IG II3 1 982 - Honours for a friend of Antigonos Gonatas

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1021 - Honours for Thibron

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1024 - Honours for prytany of Antiochis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1029 - Honours for the prytany of Pandionis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1036 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1061 - Honorific decree

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1064 - Honours for Aischron son of Proxenos and another

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1066 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1074 - Citizenship

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1108 - Honours for a benefactor

Decree 1B (People): AIO 796 - Honours for the Samians, 405/4 and 403/2 BC

Decree 2B (People): AIO 796 - Honours for the Samians, 405/4 and 403/2 BC

Decree (People): AIO 800 - Decree for Klazomenai, 387/6 BC

Decree (People): AIO 801 - Honours for Phanokritos of Parion, 386/5 BC

Decree (People): AIO 802 - Alliance with Chios, 384/3 BC

Decree (People): AIO 807 - Decree for alliance with Dionysios I of Syracuse, 368/7 BC (?)

Decree 2 (People): IG II2 107 - Decrees for Mytilene, 369-367 BC

Decree (People): IG II2 110 - Honours for Menelaos the Pelagonian, 363/2 BC

Decree (People): AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 1 - Honours for Straton king of Sidon

Decree (People): AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 1 - Honours for Straton king of Sidon

Decree (People): AIO 818 - Decree for Erythrai, 387/6 BC (?)

Decree 2 (People): IG I3 84 - Decree on the administration of the property of Kodros, Neleus and Basile

Decree 2 (People): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 15 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais, 192/1 BC

[Decree 1 (People)]: IG II3 1 1274 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree 2 (People): IG II3 1 1284 - Honours for the father of a basket-bearer and the managers of the procession at the City Dionysia

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1284 - Honours for the father of a basket-bearer and the managers of the procession at the City Dionysia

[Decree 1 (People)]: IG II3 1 1289 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1301 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1307 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1310 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1328 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1333 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis

Decree (People): AIO 871 - Decree honouring Lykourgos of Boutadai

Decree (People): Oliver, Honours for a Public Slave, 119-121 - Decree honouring a public slave

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1259 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1330 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Decree 1B (People): AIO 959 - Decrees about reassessment of tribute of the Delian League, 425/4 BC ("Thoudippos' decrees")

Decree 2 (People): IG I3 40 - Athenian relations with Chalkis

[Decree (People)]: IG II3 1 1337 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1343 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1344 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1266 - Honours for a courtier

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1275 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1293 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1295 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1296 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1299 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1304 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis

Decree ([People]): IG II3 1 1305 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1311 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1316 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1324 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1377 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1395 - Honours for a prytany

[Decree (People)]: IG II3 1 1396 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

Decree 1 (People): IG II3 1 1397 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis

Decree 1 ([People]): IG II3 1 1408 - Honours for a prytany

Decree ([People]): IG II3 1 1416 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1415 - Honours for a prytany

Decree 2 (People): OR 182 - Honours for Thrasyboulos [of Kalydon] and associates, 410/9 BC

Decree 3 (People): OR 182 - Honours for Thrasyboulos [of Kalydon] and associates, 410/9 BC

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1278 - Honours for Alex-, a courtier of king Ptolemy V

Decree (People?): IG II3 1 1279 - Honours

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1286 - Decree

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1298 - Honours for an archon

Decree (People): IG II3 1 1318 - Honours for a prytany

Decree (People): I Eleusis 28a - On the first-fruits at Eleusis

Decree 3 (People): AIO 1176 - Decrees honouring Neapolis in Thrace, 410/9 and ca. 407 BC

Decree (People): AIO 1190 - Honours for Athenian members of the resistance to the Thirty, 401/0 BC

Decree 2 (People): AIO 1240 - Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC

Decree 2 (People): IG I3 136 - Decree about the cult of Bendis

Decree (People) (ll. 42-44): AIO 1304 - Decree concerning the festival (of Hephaistos?)

Decree (People): AIO 1318 - Assembly decree concerning sacrifices in cult of Asklepios in Piraeus

Decree (People): AIO 1672 - Decree about the Athenian [Cleruchy] on Salamis

Decree (People): AIO 1692 - Decrees concerning the Acropolis

Decree (People?): AIO 1707 - Fragmentary regulations from Marathon

Decree (People): Nomima II, 1B - Regulations concerning the Herakleia at Marathon

Decree (People): IG II2 400 - Honours for Eucharistos son of Chei-

Decree (People): Osborne, Naturalization, D43 - Decree honouring Timosthenes of Karystos

Decree (People): Agora XVI 333 - Assembly decree accepting the revision of laws by the Council of the Areopagos

Decree (People): IG II2 1069 - Honours for Julius Nikanor the New Homer and New Themistokles

Decree (People) ?: Rousset, Le territoire de Delphes 4 - Document (decree?) at Delphi related to the Athenian boundary settlement between Delphi and Phlygonion-Ambryssos

Decree (Phratry)

Decree 3 (Phratry): RO 5 - Phratry decrees of the Dekeleans

Decree 1 (Phratry): RO 5 - Phratry decrees of the Dekeleans

Decree 2 (Phratry): RO 5 - Phratry decrees of the Dekeleans

Decree (Prodromoi)

Decree (prodromoi): SEG 48.122 - Honorific decree of the front-runners (prodromoi)

Decree (Sarapiastai)

Decree (Sarapiastai): I Rhamnous 59 - Decree of Sarapiastai at Rhamnous

Decree (Sarapiastai): AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 5 - Decree of Sarapiastai, 214/3 BC

Decree (Soldiers at Eleusis)

Decree (soldiers at Eleusis): I Eleusis 187 - Decree [of soldiers at Eleusis] honouring a general

Decree (Soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle)

Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle: I Eleusis 207 - Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle honouring Theophrastos

Decree (Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle): I Eleusis 205 - Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle

Decree (Soldiers)

Decree (Athenian soldiers at Eleusis): I Eleusis 182 - Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour the secretary of the grain treasurers

Decree (Athenian soldiers at Eleusis): I Eleusis 183 - [Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis?] honour a cavalry commander

Decree (Athenian soldiers at Eleusis): I Eleusis 184 - Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour the treasurer of the military fund

Decree 1 (Soldiers): I Eleusis 196 - Athenian and mercenary soldiers at Eleusis and the Eleusinians honour a general, Aristophanes of Leukonoion

Decree (Athenian soldiers at Rhamnous): I Rhamnous 10 - Athenian soldiers serving at Rhamnous honour their general

Decree (Soldiers): AIO 842 - Soldiers stationed in Rhamnous honour their unit commanders

Decree (Athenian soldiers and hypaithroi): I Eleusis 211 - Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton and Phyle and hypaithroi honouring the general, Demainetos

Decree (Soldiers): AIO 1796 - Honorific decree for a general at Sounion

Decree ([Deme Eleusis?] and Soldiers stationed at Eleusis): I Eleusis 180 - Decree of [deme Eleusis?] and soldiers stationed at Eleusis honouring a general

Decree (of Athenian soldiers stationed and/or residents at Eleusis?): I Eleusis 203 - Honorific decree [of Athenian soldiers and/or residents at Eleusis?]

Decree (of Athenian soldiers stationed and/or residents at Eleusis?): I Eleusis 204 - Decree [of Athenian soldiers/residents at Eleusis?] honouring a man who had improved the water-supply

Decree (Tarantines)

Decree (Tarantines): SEG 46.167 - Decree of the Tarantine cavalry squadron honouring cavalry commanders

Decree (Tetrapolis)

Decree (Tetrapolis): AIO 375 - Decree of the Marathonian Tetrapolis

Decree (Tetrapolis): AIO 2618 - Decree of Marathonian Tetrapolis honouring their archon, Charidemos of Probalinthos

Decree (Thiasos)

Decree (thiasos?): AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 6 - Decree of an association?

Decree (Tribe Aigeis)

Decree (tribe Aigeis): Agora XV 69 - Tribal honours for the prytany of Aigeis

Honorific Decree (tribe Aigeis) for treasurer: IG II3 4 76 - Dedication by the prytany of Aigeis and four tribal decrees, 341/0 BC

Honorific Decree (tribe Aigeis) for conveners of the People: IG II3 4 76 - Dedication by the prytany of Aigeis and four tribal decrees, 341/0 BC

Honorific Decree (tribe Aigeis) for religious officials: IG II3 4 76 - Dedication by the prytany of Aigeis and four tribal decrees, 341/0 BC

Honorific Decree (tribe Aigeis) for private individual: IG II3 4 76 - Dedication by the prytany of Aigeis and four tribal decrees, 341/0 BC

Decree (Tribe Akamantis)

Decree (tribe Akamantis): AIO 1968 - Decrees of Akamantis awarding exemption from liturgies and honouring superintendent of ephebes

Decree (Tribe Hippothontis)

Decree (Tribe Hippothontis): IG II2 1163 - Decree of tribe Hippothontis for the priest of Asklepios

Decree (Tribe Hippothontis): Bardani and Matthaiou, Tιμαί Φανοδήμου, 1 - Decree of tribe Hippothontis honouring Phanodemos of Thymaitadai

Decree (Tribe Hippothontis): I Eleusis 63 - Honorific decree of Hippothontis

Decree (Tribe Hippothontis): I Eleusis 67 - Decree of tribe Hippothontis honouring Metagenes of Eroiadai

Decree (Tribe Hippothontis): I Eleusis 69 - Honorific decree of Hippothontis (?)

Decree (Tribe Hippothontis): I Eleusis 122 - Decree of tribe Hippothontis

Decree (Tribe Kekropis)

Decree 2 (Tribe Kekropis): AIO 286 - Tribal honours for taxiarch of Kekropis, 339/8 BC

Decree 2 (Council): IG II2 1156 - Honours for ephebes

Decree 1 (Tribe Kekropis): IG II2 1156 - Honours for ephebes

Decree (Tribe Leontis)

Decree (tribe Leontis): AIO 1976 - Dedication inscribed with decrees of Leontis and an unknown group honouring the ephebes and their controller (sophronistes), 333/2 BC

Decree (Tribe Pandionis)

Decree (tribe Pandionis): IG II3 4 29 - Dedication by the prytany of Pandionis followed by an honorific tribal decree, 348/7 BC

Decree (Tribe)

Decree (tribe?): Agora XVI 203 - [Tribal?] decree honouring a phylarch

Decree (tribe) (?): Agora XV 5 - Tribal decree honouring its victorious Council prytany

Decree (Uncertain)

Decree of uncertain body: I Eleusis 220 - Decree fragment from Eleusis

Decree of uncertain body: I Eleusis 230 - Decree fragment from Eleusis honouring -medes of Hamaxanteia

Decree: I Eleusis 194 - Decree of Athenian soldiers based at Eleusis, Panakton and Phyle, honouring Demetrios [of Phaleron the Younger]

Decree (-ntidai?): IG I3 247 - Decree of an association of uncertain type (deme? komē?)

Decree (Trikomia?): IG II2 1213 - Decree of an association (deme? Trikomoi?)

Decree (uncertain body): Follet, Décrets attiques 2 - Divine honours for Julia Domna

Decree (uncertain body): AIO 2842 - Fragment of a decree of uncertain group