Oliver, Constitutions 73 - Letters from Plotina and Hadrian on the Epicurean Succession (121 AD)

Oliver, Constitutions 74 - Letters from Hadrian (and Plotina?) on the Epicurean Succession (125 AD)

Oliver, Constitutions 77 - Letter from Hadrian banning on-selling

Oliver, Constitutions 78 - Letter from Hadrian to the Achaian League

Oliver, Constitutions 83 - Letter from Hadrian to the Athenians

Oliver, Constitutions 85 - Letter from Hadrian on gifts for the boys (132 AD)

Oliver, Constitutions 92 - Law about the harvest and export of olive oil ("Hadrian's law")

Oliver, Constitutions 97 - Letter from Hadrian to the artists of Dionysos

Oliver, Constitutions 98-104 - Dossier on the association of the musical artists of the Dancer

Oliver, Constitutions 155 (A) - Dossier on M. Ulpius Eurykles’ service as Panhellene

Oliver, Constitutions 206 - Letter from Emperor Commodus