Honours for Euagoras of Salamis, ca. 410 or 407 BC (?)
AIO 1970 Date: ca. 410 or 407 BC (?)Fragment a
. . . Euagoras . . . of Salamis[1] . . . Pythangelos?
[The Council and the People decided. -] was the prytany
[- was secretary, - was chairman, I]asidemos
5 [proposed: since Euagoras] . . . is a good man
. . .
ca. 2 lines missing
Fragment b
. . . . . . he shall be [an] [Athenian] . . . and enrolled
. . . [in the phratry and deme and] tribe that
10 he wishes . . . benefactor of the Athenians
. . . coming
[to Salamis]; and the Council in office
[and the prytany? and the] generals shall take care of him, so that
he is not harmed . . . not by anyone; and concerning
15 . . . requires anything else
. . . [to?] the king
. . . [for?] his goodwill and
good faith ? . . . shall give, bring ?
. . . Salami- 20 . . . from here
. . . so that
. . . the lawsuits
. . . legal convention . . . the polemarch?
25 [shall immediately introduce the case?] . . .
Uncertain number of lines missing
Fragment b
. . . the
secretary of the Council on a stone stele [- - on the (acro)polis] . . . volunteer? . . . . . . benefits Euagoras or Euagoras benefits . . . 30 . . . values highly . . . [invite] . . . [of Euagoras] up to – men ? [to hospitality at the city hall] tomorrow. Kleo- proposed: in other respects as
proposed by the Council; but since
Euagoras the Salaminian – is a good man . . . and does
35 whatever good he can . . . . . . king and the other . . . so that . . . as much as possible . . . . . . [to the?] king . . . . . . Tissaphernes . . . 40 . . . for Euagoras just as . . . . . . the People . . . . . . accomplish ? . . . . . . and the generals . . . . . . that these things come to pass . . . 45 . . . future . . . . . . and concerning what . . . . . . Chian – (pl.) . . . . . . just as . . . . . . the city hall ? . . . [2]