List of participants in the second Augustan Dodekais at Delphi

F.Delphes III 2 61 Date: 24/3-20/19 BC
For Good Fortune of the Council and People of Athens. In the archonship of Antigenes at Delphi for the second time and of Apolexis at Athens, the following held the Dodekais:[1] the priest of Apollo Eukles son of Herodes of Marathon, the interpreter [chosen by the Pythian oracle (exēgētēs puthochrēstos) from the Eupatridai Polykritos] [son of Poly]charmos of Azenia, the interpreter (exēgētēs) from the Eupatridai appointed by [the People Diotimos son of Diodoros] (5)of Halai,[5] the herald of Apollo and priest of Hermes Patroos [of the Kerykes Gorgippos son of Eudemos of Melite, the sacred remembrancer (hieromnēmōn)] Dionysodoros son of Dionysios of . . . the seers (manteis) Archikles [son of Thrasykles of Lakiadai, Aristos son of Ammonios] of Lamptrai,[2] the treasurer (tamias) Alexandros son of Agathokles of Leukonoe,[3] the pipe-player . . . of . . . [4]