Decree of Sarapiastai, 214/3 BC

AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 5 Date: 214/3 BC
[In the archonship of Diokles (214/3 BC) ?] . . . . . . [proposed]: since the treasurer of the Sarapiastai, Zopyros, and the secretary, Theophanes, and the [manager], (5) Olympichos, have frequently shown themselves irreproachable both previously . . . . . . in these responsibilities, and they rendered their accounts for everything according to the law (?), and, appointed in the archonship of Hagnias (215/4 BC), they (10) completed the year well and justly, for good fortune, the Sarapiastai shall decide, to praise them and crown them with a foliage crown with a fillet when next the Sarapiastai sacrifice, and the religious officials shall announce their (15) names every time at each festival (thusian) after the sacrifices; and if they do not announce or do not crown, each of them shall be fined [50?] drachmas sacred to the Sarapiastai; so that there may be an incentive to honour-loving behaviour (20) towards themselves (i.e. the Serapiastai), knowing that they will be honoured appropriately; and if they display love of honour (philotimoumenois) in the future it shall be possible for them to obtain other benefits from the association of the Sarapiastai; and to praise and crown the president of the society (proeranistrian), Nikippe, because (25) she performed the sacrifices at the appointed times; and to inscribe this decree on a stone stele and set it up in the [Sarapeion?]; and Zopyros the treasurer shall allocate the expenses accruing for these things from the common funds.
col. 1 (30) President of the society Nikippe. Treasurer Zopyros. Secretary (35) Theophanes. [Manager] [Olympichos]. . . .
col. 2 Seleukos Dorion (40) Euboulides Ant- Xe[n-] Th- . . . . . . . . .
col. 3 Py- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
col. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [1]