Sacrificial calendar from Teithras

SEG 21.542 Date: 400-350 BC
Face A
. . . [1] 7 dr. . . . Boedromion on the fourth (?)[2] . . . for Zeus . . . 17 dr. a sheep, male; 5 1 dr. 2 ob. priestly dues. On the twenty-seventh, 4 dr. for Athena, a - sheep; for Zeus, preliminary offerings, [- dr.] a suckling piglet; 10 [- dr.] priestly dues. . . .
Face B
. . . end of line uninscribed . . . . . . drachmas (?) 5 . . . -teen (?) end of line uninscribed a full-grown animal (male) end of line uninscribed a full-grown animal (female) 10 . . .