Decrees of Eleusis honouring two Thebans

I Eleusis 70 Date: ca. mid-iv BC or a little later
Gods.[1] Kallimachos son of Kallikrates proposed: since Damasias son of Dionysios of Thebes, having taken up residence in Eleusis, continues to conduct himself in an 5 orderly and generous manner towards all those living in the deme, both himself and his pupils, and when the Eleusinians conducted the Dionysia he was enthusiastic and honour-loving towards the gods and the 10 Athenian People and the Eleusinians, so that the Dionysia should be as fine as possible, and having provided at his own expense two choruses, one of boys, the other of men, he donated them to Demeter and Kore 15 and Dionysos, the Eleusinians shall decide, to praise Damasias son of Dionysios of Thebes for his moderation and piety towards the two goddesses and crown him with a gold crown of 1000 drachmas; 20 and the demarch following Gnathis shall announce it at the Dionysia at Eleusis in the tragedies, that the deme of Eleusis crowns Damasias son of Dionysios of Thebes for his moderation and piety 25 towards the two goddesses; and he shall have a seat of honour and freedom from all taxes over which the Eleusinians have control, both for himself and his descendants, and permission to seek any other benefit he wishes from the demesmen of Eleusis; and the demarch in office 30 shall take care of whatever he requires; and to choose immediately someone to arrange that this decree be inscribed and stood in the Dionysion; and the demarch shall give 35 10 drachmas for the inscribing; and to give Damasias for a sacrifice 100 drachmas from common funds.
Kallimachos son of Kallikrates proposed: since Phryniskos of Thebes, having taken up residence in Eleusis . . . orderly . . . . . .