Sacrificial calendar from Eleusis
I Eleusis 175 Date: ca. 330 BCcol. 1
. . . [1] [Pyanopsion] . . . [On the fourth?] . . . [- dr.] . . . to the Eleusinion
On the fifth
for the hierophant and the herald
5 for lunch, when they
announce the festival
1 dr. 3 ob. of the Proerosia.
On the seventh
20 dr. for Apollo Pythios, a goat
10 and the things for the rites, a suckling lamb?[2] and accompaniments
to adorn a table
for the god; priestly dues for the priest
one line erased 15 for the hierophant and the
priestesses from Eleusis at the all-night revel
to provide libations and
barley cakes . . . 20 one line erased? . . . to the underground pit[3] . . . ?;
10 dr. for the perquisites for the priestess;
for the priestess of Plouton
25 to the hearths (?) in honour of the two
[- dr.] Thesmophorian goddesses . . . a basket
[- dr.] . . . wood for the altar and . . .
col. 2
[Skirophorion?] . . . 30 . . . [On the twelfth?] . . . . . . 20 dr. . . . 35 . . . . . . for Poseidon . . . a cake . . . . . . 40 . . . 20 dr. . . . . . .