Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais, 192/1 BC

AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 15 Date: 192/1 BC
Decree 1 (Council)[1] Gods.[2] In the archonship of Diodotos (192/1), who came after Phanarchides (193/2), in the twelfth prytany, of PtolemaisV, for which Prokles son of Perikles of HalaiII was secretary; 5 On the twenty-seventh of Skirophorion, the twenty- seventh of the prytany. Council in the Panathenaic stadium. Of the presiding committee Lysikles son of Apollo- of - was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members. The Council decided. Xenophon son of Euphantos of BerenikidaiV 10 proposed: since the prytany of Ptolemais and those who have permanent dining rights praised and crowned Hegetor of OinoeV the treasurer they chose from themselves and have declared to the Council that he has sacrificed all the sacrifices which were proper in the prytany 15 and has taken care of everything else well and with love of honour, for good fortune, the Council shall decide to praise the treasurer, Hegetor son of Aristoboulos of Oinoe, for his piety towards the gods and his love of honour towards the People; 20 and also to praise the secretary, Diodoros son of Androkles of AphidnaV, and the secretary of the Council and the People, Antimachos son of Ar- of - , and the under-secretary, Ar- son of - of - , and the herald of the Council and the People, 25 Eukles of Berenikidai, and the pipe-player, Neokles of Berenikidai, and to crown each of them with a foliage crown; and the prytany secretary shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele and stand it in the prytanikon; and for the inscribing and making 30 of the stele the administrators shall allocate the expense accrued.
Decree 2 (Assembly) In the archonship of Diodotos (192/1), who came after Phanarchides (193/2), in the twelfth prytany, of PtolemaisV, for which Prokles son of Perikles of HalaiII was secretary. On the old and new day of Skirophorion, 35 the thirtieth of the prytany. Assembly in the theatre. Of the presiding committee -tos son of Krates of EleusisIX was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members. The People decided. Xenophon son of Euphantos of BerenikidaiV proposed: concerning what the prytany of Ptolemais report about the sacrifices which they made before the Assemblies 40 to Apollo Prostaterios and Artemis Boulaia and the other gods to whom it was customary, for good fortune, the People shall decide to welcome the good results from the sacrifices, which they made for the health and preservation of the Council and the People and the children and women; and since the prytany made all the sacrifices which were proper 45 in the prytany well and with love of honour and also took care of convening the Council and the People and of everything else which the laws and the decrees prescribed for them; to praise the prytany of Ptolemais and to crown them with a gold crown, according to the law, for their piety towards the gods and their love 50 of honour towards the Council and the People of the Athenians; and the prytany secretary shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele and stand it in the prytanikon; and for the inscribing and making of the stele the administrators shall allocate the expense accrued.
col. 1
55 [The Council (crowns)] [Hegetor] [son of] [Aristoboulos] [of Oinoe]
col. 2
60 [The People (crowns)] [the] [prytany]
col. 3
The Council (crowns) Diodoros 65 son of Androkles of Aphidna
cols. 1-4
not preserved
col. 5
-kos -os . . . . . . . . .
col. 6
70 Kallikrates Prospalta Sosistratos -kleides . . .