Law of a thiasos
AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 4 Date: ca. 325-275 BC
. . . . . . and [if] anyone
. . . . . . the thiasos members
. . . [and if] one of them dies,
5 either the son [or brother] or father or whoever is the closest
relative in the thiasos [shall declare?] it, and both they (scil. the thiasos members)
and all the friends shall attend the funeral procession; and if
anyone is wronged, they and all the friends shall help him,
so that everyone may know that we are
10 pious towards the gods and the friends; and may
many good things befall those who do these things and their descendants
and ancestors; and when the thiasos members have ratified this law,
nothing shall have greater force than the law;
and if anyone contravenes the law either in word or deed,
15 anyone of the thiasos members who wishes may make an accusation against him,
and if he convicts him they shall penalise him in whatever way the
association decides.[1]