Dedication inscribed with decrees of Leontis and an unknown group honouring the ephebes and their controller (sophronistes), 333/2 BC

AIO 1976 Date: 333/2 BC
The controller [of Leontis in (the archonship of)] Nikokrates (333/2) [and the ephebes], having been crowned by the Council and People and the tribe for their excellence and self-discipline (dedicated this) to the hero.[1]
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Theodoros son of Theodoros of Leukonoion proposed: since Philotheos the controller 5 of the ephebes of the tribe Leontis reports about the young men and says that they are well-disciplined and obedient to the laws and himself, Leontis shall decide 10 that the tribe Leontis shall praise the ephebes of the archonship of Nikokrates (333/2) and crown each of them with a gold crown for their excellence; and to praise also the 15 controller, Philotheos son of Philokles of Sounion and crown him with a gold crown of 1000 drachmas when he has rendered his accounts for his excellence towards the tribe and the 20 ephebes; and to praise also the infantry commander, Philokles son of Philotheos of Sounion, and the captains, Pandaites son of Pasikles of Potamos, Epikrates son of Peisianax of Sounion, 25 Kallichares son of Kalliphanes of Sounion, Nikoxenos son of Nikokles of Cholleidai, Timokrates son of Timokles of Potamos, and crown each of them with a gold crown of five- 30 hundred drachmas for their excellence and self- discipline; and to give them also (permission) to make a dedication in the sanctuary [of the hero]; and to praise also the instructors of the tribe, -tes son of 35 A- of Pallene, -n son of Ar- of Methone and crown them with a foliage crown because they took good care of the ephebes;
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and the secretary of the tribe shall 40 inscribe this decree of the tribe and stand it in the sanctuary; and the managers of the tribe shall give the cost of writing it up; and the decree shall be written up on the dedication. 45 General in charge of Piraeus Konon son of Timotheos of Anaphlystos, general in charge of the countryside Sophilos son of Aristoteles of Phyle, superintendent -os son of Mnesistratos of Acharnai, 50 controller Philotheos son of Philokles of Sounion, infantry commander Philokles son of Philotheos of Sounion, captains Pandaites son of Pasikles of Potamos, Epikrates son of Peisianax of Sounion, 55 Callichares son of Kalliphanes of Sounion, Nikoxenos son of Nikokles of Cholleidai, Timokrates son of Timokles of Potamos. [Ephebes:] . . . -es son of So- . . . 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 son of –odoros, Presbychares son of –, Sanneides son of - . From Upper Potamos: . . . From Lower Potamos: -n son of Philinos. From Leukonoion: [Kedeides] 70 son of Thrasymedes, Chaire- son of -des, Tharsynon son of Satyros. [From -:?] Eutelides son of Menestratos. [From -:?] Nikeratos son of Nikodemos. [From -:?] Euaion son of Peithon, Theangelos [son of -].
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75 . . . rotheos . . . Atheno- . . . –esides . . . dotos . . . . . . From Paionidai: . . . . . . – eas son of Mnesi- . . . son of Smikythos, Ais- 80 . . . –os [son of?] Ameipsias . . . –kesias son of Ni- . . . of Leontis [decided?], Pan- . . . [proposed:] since Philotheos the controller [of the tribe Leontis?] justly took care 85 [of the young men ?] and showed himself [useful?] [to the ephebes of (the archonship of) Nikokrates], to praise Philotheos son of Philokles of Sounion and crown him with a gold crown of a thousand drachmas for his excellence and [self-discipline ? towards the tribe]; and to inscribe this decree 90 on the dedication which the ephebes are dedicating to the hero.[2]
The Council The People The tribe . . . . . .