Honours for ephebes and officials
IG II3 1 1027 Date: 235/4 BC
In the archonship of Ekphantos (235/4), in the third prytany,
of AntiochisXII, for which -os son of Demetrios of HippotomadaiII was secretary. On the eighteenth of Boedromion, the fourteenth
of the prytany. Assembly. Of the presiding
5 committee -odoros son of Pyrrhikion of
Phlya was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members.
The Council and People decided.
Thrasyphon son of Hierokleides of Xypete proposed: since the
. . . the superintendent of the ephebes
10 letter traces
a number of lines lost
two letters . . . and for the
inscription of the stele the administrator shall
[allocate the expenditure accrued.]
In crown 15 [The Council (crowns)] [the] [ephebes.]
In crown [The People (crowns) the] [superintendent ] 20 -
son of -
of -
In crown The People (crowns)
25 ephebes.
The ephebes who served in the archonship of Kimon (236/5)
col. 1
PandionisV -ides son of Heliodoros of Paiania
45 -nides son of Heliodoros of Paiania
col. 2
Nikodoros son of Nikodoros of Phrearrhioi
OineisVIII -emos son of Onetor of Lousia
55 KekropisIX Leon son of Kichesias of Aixone -ion son of Phalanthos of Athmonon -boulos son of Ktesikles of Aixone -es son of Menon of Pithos
AiantisXI 65 - son of - of -
Charias son of Philo- of -
AntiochisXII Pantakles son of Kr- of -
Leptines son of Eurymedon of Pallene 70 Kallistratos son of - of -
In crown The Council,
the People (crown)
the javelin instructor . . .