Decree of the Panhellenion admitting Magnesia on the Maiandros

Oliver, Marcus Aurelius 5 Date: 138-161 AD
For good fortune. Leukippos. Decree passed by the Panhellenes. [Since the Magnesians] by the Maiandros river, being colonists [of the Magnesians] in Thessaly and also first of the Greeks 5 [to cross over] into Asia and settle there, [having competed earnestly and] often with Ionians and Dorians and the Aiolions [of the same] race as themselves [in Asia], having been honoured also by [the Senate of] the Romans, through the alliances which they made [with them, and] having received exceptional gifts 10 [ . . . from the God] Hadrian, father of Titus Aelius Caesar Augustus Emperor Hadrian Antoninus (138-161), the . . .