Letter from Hadrian banning on-selling

IG II2 1103 Date: 120s-130s AD
. . . measure . . . and the two obol tax (diobelian) . . . neither . . . but for the fishermen at Eleusis there shall be or is a tax-exemption (ateleia) on fish [whenever] they sell them in the Agora at Eleusis, so that there may be [plenty, and the] (5)profit from import taxes (eisagōgia) may reach a great amount, and I want the – and the on-sellers (palin kapēleuontas) to stop . . . or for an indictment (endeixin) of them to be submitted to the herald of the Areopagos Council, and for him to bring them before the Areopagites, and for them to evaluate what they (i.e. the indicted men) should suffer or repay. And those who import goods (10)or who initially buy from them shall sell everything, but, when yet another buyer of the same goods on-sells them, that increases the prices (teimas). Inscribe this letter on a stele and stand it in Piraeus in front of the Deigma. Farewell. uninscribed space The manager of the city (epimelēteuontos tēs poleōs) being Tiberius Julius Herodianus of Kollytos.