Alliance with Thessalian federation, 361/0 BC
RO 44 Date: 361/0 BC
Relief[1] Gods.
In the archonship of Nikophemos (361/0).
Alliance of the Athenians and
Thessalians for all time.[2] 5 The Council and the People decided. LeontisIV was in
prytany. Chairion son of Charinautes of Phaleron was secretary.
Archippos from Amphitrope was chairman. On the twelfth of the
prytany. Exekestides proposed: concerning what the ambassadors of the Thessalians say, the People shall resolve: to accept
10 the alliance, for good fortune, on the terms that the Thessalians propose; the alliance between them and the
Athenians shall be for all time; and all the allies
of the Athenians shall be allies of the Thessalians,[3] and those
of the Thessalians allies of the Athenians. Of the Athenians the
15 generals and the Council and the hipparchs and the cavalry
shall swear this oath: 'I shall go in support with all my strength as far as
possible if anybody goes against the federationThessalians for
of the war, or overthrows the ruling officerThessalians chose, or
whom the establishes a tyrant in Thessaly.' They shall swear the
20 lawful oath. So that also the Thessalians shall swear to the
city , the People shall choose five men from all
Athenians, who shall arrive in Thessaly and administer this
oath to Agelaos the ruling officer and the polemarchs and
the hipparchs and the cavalry and the sacred remembrancers 25 and the other officials who hold office in behalf of
the federationThessalians: 'I shall go in support with all my
of the strength as far as possible if anybody goes against the cityAthens of for war or overthrows the People of the
Athenians'. The ambassadors of the Thessalians who are present
30 in Athens shall swear the same oath in the Council.
It shall not be permitted to put an end to the war against Alexander
either to the Thessalians without the Athenians or to the
Athenians without the ruling officer and the federation of the
Thessalians. Praise Agelaos the ruling officer and the
35 federation of the Thessalians, because they have been doing well and enthusiastically everything concerning what the city has proposed to them; and praise
also the ambassadorsThessalians who have come, and
of the invite them to hospitality in the city hall tomorrow.
The treasurers of the Goddess shall demolish the stele for Alexander
40 about the alliance. To the ambassadors the treasurer of the People shall give for travelling expenses 20
drachmas each. This alliance the secretary
of the Council shall inscribe on a stone stele and put it
on the acropolis; for inscribing the stele the treasurer
45 of the People shall give 20 drachmas; and Theaitetos
of Erchia, for speaking best and doing what good he could
for the People of Athens and the Thessalians,
shall be deemed to have done his duty.[4]