Decree regulating cult

IG II2 1234 Date: 325-300 BC (?)
. . . Uninscribed . . . those elected by . . . . . . shall [perform or sacrifice?] according to tradition . . . . . . shall perform the ceremony (teletēn) in the . . . (5) . . . -ing the delineated or drafted or cancelled (diagegrammenon) . . . . . . [increas?]ing the revenues . . . . . . in the year in which . . . . . . each of them [shall pay a penalty of?] 50 drachmas . . . . . . and if they do not perform the ceremony (teletēn) (?) . . . (10) . . . each of them shall pay a penalty of - [drachmas] . . . . . . shall . . . . . . [1]