Honours for Kallippos the Thessalian

IG I3 92 Date: 422/1 BC
Of Kallippos the Thessalian.
Ca. 20 cm uninscribed, perhaps originally painted
The Council and the People decided. AkamantisV was the prytany. Archikles was secretary (422/1).[1] Antikrates was 5 chairman. Proposal of the generals:[2] to praise Kallippos the Thessalian from Gyrton,[3] because he is judged to be a good man with regard to the city of Athens. And he shall be inscribed on 10 a stone stele as a proxenos and benefactor of the Athenians, himself and the sons of Kallippos, and it shall be set down on the acropolis. Eukratidas, Hipp-, . . .