Dedication by a victor in Panhellenic festivals

IG II3 4 607 Date: 1st cent. AD
Face B (left)
[1] . . . Onetor 10 . . . laurel . . . Phoibos supplied . . . the choir. . . . . . . 15 . . . as much as Onetor . . . uninscribed space . . . everything
Face A (front)
To you, Patroos,[2] Onetor dedicated these apples,[3] as symbols of his holy Pythian victory in eloquence, whom Nemea, Thebes and spacious Lebadeia[4] and Mede-killing Plataia[5] adorned with [crowns] 5 and the Argive shield[6] and the breastplate[7] . . . twice, and Rarian[8] . . . Phoibos, graciously receive [these gifts and] [grant it to him who worships you to offer you more prizes, lord] . . .
Fragment c
Not . . . he prayed 20 him the Council crowned . . . twelve . . . for seven . . .
Fragment d
. . . . . .
Fragment e
. . . 25 . . . the second . . . . . . apart; but . . . . . . with prize-bearing hand . . . fame for the sake of the fatherland . . . not . . . 30 . . . I well . . . . . . uninscribed space