Decree honouring Lykourgos of Boutadai

AIO 871 Date: 307/6 BC
Literary version (Plut. Lives of the Ten Orators 852)[1] (851f) Lykophron son of Lykourgos of Boutadai[2] made a claim to meals in the city hall according to the grant awarded (852a) by the People to Lykourgos of Boutadai: In the archonship of Anaxikrates (307/6), in the sixth prytany, of Antiochis.[12] Stratokles son of Euthydemos of Diomeia proposed: since Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai, having inherited from his own ancestors of old the good-will of his house towards the People [...?], and Lykourgos’ ancestors, Lykomedes,[3] and Lykourgos,[4] both while living were honoured by the People, and on their deaths the People granted them public burial in the Kerameikos on account of their manly virtue, and Lykourgos himself (852b) as a politician established many fine laws for the fatherland, and became treasurer of the public revenue for the city for three quadrennia, and distributed from the public revenue eighteen thousand nine hundred talents, and received many loans from private individuals, and advanced for the purposes of the city and of the People in all six hundred and fifty talents;[11] and having been deemed to have administered all these things justly, he was crowned many times by the city; and moreover, having been chosen by the People, he gathered much money on the acropolis, and prepared adornment for the goddess and solid gold statues of Victory and gold and silver processional vessels and golden adornment (852c) for a hundred basket-bearers, and having been elected to be in charge of preparations for war, he brought up to the acropolis many armaments and fifty thousand missiles, and prepared four hundred seaworthy triremes, repairing some and building others from scratch; and in addition to this taking over the shipsheds and the arsenal and the Dionysiac theatre[10] half-built he finished them, and completed the Panathenaic stadium, and built the gymnasium at the Lykeion, and adorned the city with many other structures; and when Alexander the king (852d) had subdued the whole of Asia and thought it right to marshal all the Greeks in common cause, and demanded Lykourgos for having opposed him, the People did not give him up for fear of Alexander; and among the politicians he rendered his accounts many times in a free and democratic city and throughout he remained unimpeachable and incorruptible; so that everyone may know that those who choose to engage justly in politics on behalf of democracy and freedom will be valued highly while alive and, when dead, will be rewarded by favours commemorated forever, (852e) for good fortune, the People shall decide, to praise Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai for his excellence and justice, and the People shall erect a bronze statue of him in the agora, except anywhere where the law forbids it to be erected;[5] and the eldest of Lykourgos’ descendants at any time shall be awarded dining rights in the city hall forever;[6] and the secretary of the People shall set up for him (?),[7] and there shall be valid, all the decrees, on stone stelai and erect them on the acropolis near the dedications; and the treasurer of the People shall give for inscribing the stelai fifty drachmas from the People’s fund for expenditure on decrees.
Inscribed version[8] Fragment a In the archonship of Anaxikrates (307/6). The People decided. Stratokles son of Euthydemos of Diomeia proposed: since Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai, having inherited from his own ancestors of old the good-will of his house towards the People, 5 . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . Uncertain number of lines missing
Fragment b
. . . . . . arriving . . . [in the city's harbours?] [might witness?] the [city] . . . [and?] adorned [with buildings?] worthy of its existing 5 [reputation], constructed [the ship-sheds], and completed work on the arsenal and the Dionysiac theatre[10] and [built or reconstructed or refitted] the Panathenaic [stadium] and the gymnasium [at the Lykeion] and [adorned] the whole city with many other [structures]; and when the Greeks were beset 10 by great fears and dangers when Alexander [overpowered Thebes or them] and conquered the whole of Asia and the other parts [of the inhabited world?], he continued implacably to oppose him on behalf of the People and showed himself [unimpeachable] on behalf of the fatherland and the 15 [preservation of all the Greeks] throughout his life, and contending for the freedom and autonomy of the city [by every means], on account of which when [Alexander] demanded [him], the People refused to comply . . . the demand and at the same time in the other (?) 20 . . . [in which] Lykourgos had a share, . . . the excuse (?) . . . and having rendered his accounts many times . . . the matters of his financial administration [in a free?] [and democratic?] city . . . . . .
Fragment c
col. 1
Crown 1 . . . . . . of Myrrhinous proposed.
Crown 2 . . . 5 . . . . . . proposed.
Crown 3 . . . . . . . . .
Crown 4 10 . . . . . . . . . proposed.
col. 2
Crown 5 The Council. Demeas of Sphettos 15 proposed.
Crown 6 The Council. Diophanes of Kephisia proposed.
Crown 7 The Council. 20 Ktesikles of Bate proposed.
Crown 8 The tribesmen. Telemachos of Acharnai proposed.[9]
col. 3
Crown 9 25 The Council. Theomenes of Oe proposed.
Crown 10 The People. Theomenes 30 of Oe proposed.
Crown 11 The People in Samos. Epiktetos of Epikephisia proposed.
Crown 12 The People in Lemnos. 35 Timodemos of Acharnai proposed.