Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
IG II3 1 1260 Date: 193/2 BC
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The People (crown)
10 the
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In the archonship of Phanarchides (193/2), in the second prytany, of -ntis, for which -machos
son of Menestratos of LamptraiI was secretary. Decrees of the Council. . . . 15 On the twenty- of - , the eighth . . . , the third of the prytany. Council in the Council chamber.
Of the presiding committee Epixenos of Eleusis was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members. The Council
decided. - son of - of Rhamnous proposed: since the prytany of Akamantis
and the men who have permanent dining rights have praised and crowned the treasurer,
Zoilos of Sphettos, whom they chose from themselves, and have declared to the Council that he has made
20 all the sacrifices which are proper in the prytany on behalf of the Council and the People, and has taken
care of everything else well and with love of honour, for good fortune, the Council shall decide
to praise the treasurer, Zoïlos of Sphettos, and to crown him with a foliage crown for his piety
towards the gods and his love of honour towards the People of the Athenians, and to
praise also the secretary, Zoïlos of Sphettos, whom they chose from among themselves,
25 and the - , -nokrates, . . . . . .