Honours for the Prienians

IG II3 1 1065 Date: Ca. 230 BC (?)
. . . [1] . . . . . . of the Athenian People . . . so that the People may be seen to honour those demonstrating at every opportunity (5) the [preference (hairesin)] they have for it, for good fortune, the Council shall decide: that the presiding committee (proedrous) allotted for the next Assembly shall put the matter on the agenda and submit the opinion of the Council to the People, that it seems good to the Council to praise the Prienian [People] and (10) to crown them with a gold crown according to the law for their good will and love of honour (philotimias) for the Athenian People, and to announce the crown at the city Dionysia [at the competition for tragedy],[2] and the generals shall manage the making of the crown and the announcement; (15) . . . and [equal civic rights (isopoliteian)] (?)[3] . . . and to praise . . .