Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

IG II3 1 1232 Date: 210-201/0 BC
. . . . . . and managed everything else well and with love of honour, for good fortune, the Council shall decide, to praise the treasurer, Hegesias of Euonymon, and to praise also the secretary, Sopatros of Lamptrai, (5) and to praise also the priest, and the herald of the Council and People, Eukles of Berenikidai, and the secretary of the Council and People, Dionysios son of - of Anakaia, and the undersecretary, Timokles son of Me- of Kikynna; and the prytany secretary shall inscribe this decree on a stone (10) stele and stand it in the prytanikon; and the administrator (ton epi tēi dioikēsei) shall allocate for [making or setting up?] and inscribing the stele the expenditure accrued.
col. 1
Euonymon «Hegesias»[1] (15) Damokritos Dion Therson Theodoros son of Euandros Diodoros (20) Timon Dionysodoros Demetrios Theaitetos Theoxenos (25) Xanthippos Lamptrai Sopatros -stratos -xenos (30) [Nik]anor Amphimachos Helikon
col. 2
Aristotimos Kallias (35) Timokrates son of Stronbi(chos) Artemon Kephisia Demophanes Poseidonios (40) Moschos Theodotos Klearchos Bathyllos Theangelos (45) Philomelos Anagyrous Archebios Leonides Medokos (50) Philon son of Philon Smikythos Timokrates
col. 3
Chaireleides Demetrios (55) Agryle Polyxenos Eukritos Boulostratos Pergase (60) Symmachos Thaliarchos Menekrates Pambotadai Polyzelos (65) Herakleitos Kedoi Kallistratos Gorgis Sybridai (70) Diogenes Phegous Artemon
col. 1
The Council (crowns) the priest (75) of the eponymous
col. 2
The Council (crowns) Eukles (80) of Berenikidai
col. 3
The Council (crowns) the secretary Dionysios of (85) Anakaia
col. 4
The Council (crowns) the undersecretary Timokles (90) of Kikynna.