Proxeny decree for Timarchos of Salamis

IG II3 1 1375 Date: Ca. 180 BC
. . . The Council and the People decided. - son of - of Rhamnous proposed: since Timarchos son of Timarchos of Salamis[1] is well-disposed (eunous) towards the People (5) of the Athenians and makes himself useful individually to those of the citizens that meet him at Salamis on Cyprus and those of the citizens who have met him at Salamis have testified to this; in order therefore that all may know that the People of the Athenians are continually grateful (10) to those who display love of honour (philotimoumenois) towards them, for good fortune, the Council shall decide, that the presiding committee allotted to preside at the forthcoming Assembly shall put these matters on the agenda, and submit the opinion of the Council to the People that it seems good to the Council to praise Timarchos son of Timarchos of Salamis and crown (15) him with a foliage crown for his good will (eunoias) and his love of honour (philotimias) towards the People of the Athenians; and he shall be proxenos and benefactor of the People of the Athenians, and in the future, on maintaining the same preference towards the People, he shall also obtain other benefits, whatever he may be deemed worthy of; and in order that there may also (20) be a reminder (hupomnēma) for him concerning his good will towards the People, the prytany secretary shall inscribe this decree on two stone stelai, so that the one[2] is set up in the precinct (temenei) of the People and the Graces, and the other[3] at Salamis in the sanctuary (hierōi) of Athena; and for the (25) inscribing of the stelai and their setting up the treasurer shall allocate the expense accrued.
In crown The Council, the People (crown) Timarchos (30) son of Timarchos of Salamis.