Honours for the benefactor Herodoros
IG II3 1 853 Date: 295/4 BC
Of Herodoros.
In the archonship of Nikostratos (295/4), in the
ninth prytany, of DemetriasII. On the ninth
5 of Elaphebolion, the twenty-
fifth of the prytany. Principal
Assembly. Of the presiding committee Antimachos
son of A- of Acharnai was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members.
The People decided. Gorgos son of Phrynion
10 of - proposed: since Herodoros
when earlier in the company of king
Antigonos was of good will to the Athenian People, and now being in the confidence of king
Demetrios does what good he can
15 both collectively on behalf of the city and
individually for each Athenian as the need
arises, and since the ambassadors
sent on behalf of peace
to king Demetrios declare that
20 he shared in the effort for the People
to accomplish both friendship with
king Demetrios, and so that the People,
having been delivered from the war as quickly as possible, and
having recovered the city, might
25 continue to have democracy, for good fortune,
the People shall decide: to praise Herodoros son of Ph-
of [Lampsakos or Kyzikos] for the good will
and love of honour that he continues to have for
the Athenian People, and to crown him
30 with a gold crown according to the law;
and to announce the crown at the tragedy
competition of the Dionysia in the city;
and he shall be Athenian, and
his descendants, and shall enrol in the tribe
35 and deme and phratry that he wishes;
and he shall have dining rights in
the city hall , as shall the eldest of his descendants
at the time, and a front row seat at all competitions
that the city puts on; the People also shall stand
40 a bronze statue of him in the Agora
but not next to those of Harmodios and Aristogeiton
and the Saviours; and the People shall elect
three men from all the Athenians who will manage the
45 making of the statue; and the
inspector and the trittys commanders shall allocate to them whatever expenditure for the statue
accrues; and the prytany shall put
the vote about him at the next Assembly;
50 and the court presidents shall bring
the scrutiny of his citizenship
[and his award] before the court
according to the law, when they next [fill up] the courts; and the prytany secretary
55 shall inscribe this decree
on a stone stele and stand it
on the acropolis; and for
inscribing the stele the administratror shall give (the expenditure).
In crown The People.