Honours for foreigners who had supported democracy against the Thirty, 401/0 BC

AIO 1191 Date: 401/0 BC
Face A (front)
[1] Lysiades was secretary. [Xenainet]os was archon (401/0). [The Council and People decided. HippothontisVIII] was the prytany; Lysiades was secretary; Demophilos was chairman. - proposed: in order that the foreigners who joined in coming down from Phyle or . . . with those that had come down . . . 5 . . . it shall be resolved by the Athenians that they and their descendants shall have . . . . . . and the officials shall use the same laws in relation to them [as for other Athenians ?] . . . joined in the battle at Mounichia, and - the . . . . . . when the reconciliation occurred, and did what they were instructed . . . pledge or betrothal,[3] as for Athenians; and the . . . 10 . . .
col. 3
[2] . . . . . . -, tanner -, shopkeeper 15 -, nut seller -, barley-groat seller -orios, sailmaker -on, leather worker -rmo-n, sackclothier 20 Sokrates, table maker Sosibios, shoe seller Hermon, shopkeeper Gerys, green grocer Blepon, table [maker] 25 Apollonides, - . . .
col. 4
-, farmer [Leontis?IV] -, onion seller 30 -os, cartwright . . . . . . . . . [Apollodoros, fuller?] 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . -on, shopkeeper 40 . . . -, farmer -les, metalworker -ion, fisherman -chos, wool seller 45 -ippos, gold[smith?] -istratos, grain [merchant?] -rias, fuller -ias, incense [seller?] -as, spear [maker?] 50 -ippos, . . . . . . . . . -os, barley-groat [seller] -, assherd 55 -nos, saw[yer? or seller or maker] - barley-groat [seller] . . .
Face B (back)
col. 5
-s, farmer -agoras, - 60 -otas, - . . . . . . K[ekropis?VII] . . . 65 . . . -, merchant . . . -, shopkeeper -, tiler (?) 70 -des, herald -s, leather worker -ar, -, hired labourer
col. 6
Chairedemos, farmer 75 Leptines, butcher/cook Demetrios, carpenter Euphorion, muleteer Kephisodoros, builder Hegesias, gardener 80 Epameinon, ass-herd -opos, olive seller Glaukias, farmer -n, nut [seller?] Dionysios, farmer
85 Lines missing
Aristo-, - Dexios, - Charon, - Herakleides, - 90 Epigenes, - Glaukias, - Antidotos, - Dikaios, - Andreas, porter 95 Sosibios, - Phanos, porter Glaukias, - Astyages, hired labourer Dexandrides, - 100 Sotairides, - Sota-, - Pamphilos, - Krithon, - Korinthiades, - 105 Knips, farmer The following remained with the People in Piraeus ErechtheisI Abdes, baker 110 Aristoteles, - Idyes, shopkeeper
Lines missing
Chairis, fig-seller
col. 7
Bendiphanes, - Emporion, farmer 115 Paidikos, baker Sosias, fuller Psammis, farmer Egersis . . . 120 Eukolion, hired labourer Kallias, sculptor AigeisII Athenogiton, -[4]