Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

IG II3 1 1225 Date: Ca. 210 BC
. . . . . . crown each of them with a foliage crown; and the prytany secretary shall inscribe this decree on a stone a stele and stand it in the prytanikon; and the administrator (ton epi tei dioikēsei) (5) shall allocate for inscribing the stele the expenditure accrued.
col. 1
not preserved
col. 2
Lamptrai Amphimachos Dionysios (10) Kallisthenes Eukrates Moschion -mias -andros (15) Sopatros [Eu?]kleitos Archias Pambotadai Philodotos (20) -ylos
col. 3
Sybridai Lykinos Phegous Hedylos (25) Anagyrous Archebios Herakleides Medokos Timon (30) Euphantos Chaireleides
col. 4
Dionysios Hermippos Euonymon (35) Charias Kallippos Philokedes Pyrrhos Kleon (40) Charias son of Onetor Androkydes Sokles -
col. 5
Killes (45) Dionysios Poseidippos Agryle Apollonios Aristodemos (50) Apollothemis.