Proxeny for Drakontides and Hegesias of Andros
IG II3 1 317 Date: 338/7 BCFragment a
Fragments bc
. . . to praise them and
crown each of them
with a foliage crown for their manly virtue 10 and good will towards the
Athenian People; and they shall be
proxenoi and benefactors
of the Athenian People, both
themselves and their descendants, Drakontides
15 son of Amphoteros and Hegesias son of Stes-,
and they shall have, if they need
it, access to the
Council and the Athenian People first after the sacred business ;
20 and the secretary of the Council
shall inscribe this decree on
the acropolis on a stone stele;
and for inscribing the stele
the treasurer shall give 20
25 drachmas from the People’s fund
for expenditure on decrees;
and to invite them to hospitality in the
city hall
col. 1
[In crown The Council].
col. 2
In crown The People.