Sacrificial regulation for the cult of Asklepios and associated deities at Piraeus

IG II3 4 1773 Date: Early iv BC (Face A); iv BC (Face B, C, D)
Face A (front)
Gods.[1] Make preliminary sacrifices according to this: for Maleatas, three round cakes; for Apollo, three round 5 cakes; for Hermes, three round cakes; for Iaso, three round cakes; for Akeso, three round cakes; for Panakeia, three round cakes; for the Dogs, three round cakes; 10 for the Hunters with Dogs, three round cakes.
Euthydemos of Eleusis, priest of Asklepios, erected the stelai 15 by the altars, on which (stelai) he first depicted the round cakes that are required to be preliminarily sacrificed.
Face B (left)
For Helios, 20 a propitiatory cake, a honeycomb. For Mnemosyne, a propitiatory cake, 25 a honey- comb. Three wineless altars.
Face C (TOP)
30 Three wineless altars.
Face D (back)