The Kitians granted permission to found a sanctuary of Aphrodite

IG II3 1 337 Date: 333/2 BC
Decree 1 In the archonship of Nikokrates (333/2), in the first prytany, of AigeisII. Of the presiding committee 5 Theophilos of Phegous was putting to the vote.[1] The Council decided. Antidotos son of Apollodoros of Sypalettos proposed: concerning what the Kitians say 10 about the foundation of the sanctuary of Aphrodite, the Council shall resolve: that the presiding committee allotted to preside at the 15 next Assembly shall introduce them and place the matter on the agenda and submit the opinion of the Council to the People that it seems good to the Council 20 that the People, having heard the Kitians concerning the foundation of the sanctuary, and any other Athenian who wishes, shall deliberate 25 as seems to it best.[2]
Decree 2 In the archonship of Nikokrates (333/2), in the second prytany, of PandionisIII. Of the presiding committee Phanostratos 30 of Philaidai was putting to the vote. The People decided. Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai[3] proposed: concerning what is deemed to have been the lawful supplication 35 of the Kitian merchants[4] who are asking the People for right of ownership of a plot of land on which to found a sanctuary of Aphrodite, the People shall decide: to grant the Kitian merchants 40 right of ownership of a plot of land on which to found a sanctuary of Aphrodite, as the Egyptians have founded a sanctuary of 45 Isis.