Decree for Oiniades of (Palai)skiathos
IG I3 110 Date: 408/7 BC
Decree (Council and People) The Council and the People
decided. AntiochisX was the prytany.
Eukleides was secretary. Hierokles
5 was chairman. Euktemon was archon (408/7).
Dieitrephes proposed: since
Oiniades of Palaiskiathos[1] is a good man
with regard to the city
of Athens and eager to
10 do what good he can, and
does good to any Athenian who arrives
in Skiathos, to praise
him and inscribe him
as a proxenos and benefactor of
15 Athens, and his descendants;
and there shall take care, so that he suffers
no harm, the Council in office
at any time and the generals
and whoever the officer in
20 Skiathos may be on each occasion;[2] and the
secretary of the Council shall inscribe
this decree on a stone
stele and set it down on the
acropolis; and to invite him also to
25 hospitality in the city hall 26 tomorrow.
Decree (People) 26 Antichares proposed: in
other respects in accordance with the Council, but
in the proposal a correction shall be made for
‘of Skiathos’, so that there shall be
30 written, ‘Oiniades of