Cypress from Karpathos

AIO 954 Date: 445-430 BC
Face A
The Council and the People decided. – was the prytany. Teisias was secretary. Athenodoros was chairman. Ktesias proposed: 5 - of Karpathos[1] and [his children] and the community of the Eteokarpathians[2] shall be recorded as benefactors of the Athenians, because they donated the cypress for the temple 10 of Athena[3] who protects the Athenians, and to allow the community of the Eteokarpathians to be autonomous[4] and . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . shall give . . . their own just as before (?) . . . . . . those of the soldiers who have now occupied [the acropolis or place name] shall now 20 evacuate it.[5] If anyone . . . . . . Eteokarpathian . . . . . . either takes away or . . . . . . he shall owe fifty talents 25 to the Athenians and a tithe of it shall be for the goddess. The case is to be tried before the court presidents in A[thens?]. If the Eteokarpathians need anything else, the Koans 30 and the [Kni]dians and the Rhodians and those of [the allies] who are able in this area shall [assist] (?) as far as they can.[4] These things shall be written on a stone 35 stele on the acropolis, and at Karpathos in the sanctuary of Apollo, from which the cypress was cut. [Hagesa or Deina?]rchos the Lindian shall [deliver?] 40 for the Athenians (?) the cypress.
Face B
. . . . . . . . . 45 . . . choose two ambassadors . . . these things to the Karpathians . . . the stele . . . shall be two summons-witnesses of the? . . . 50 [Hagesa or Deina?]rchos and . . . . . . the city . . . . . . ; but if . . . . . . hostile . . . of the Athenians . . . 55 the managers within twenty days after the . . . the two ambassadors these . . . . . . in the . . . of the area (?) . . . . . . providing the . . . 60 . . . use . . . whenever they need . . .