Honours for King Spartokos III of the Bosporan kingdom, 285/4 BC
AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 12 Date: 285/4 BC
In the archonship of Diotimos (285/4), in the seventh prytany,[1] of AntigonisI, for which Lysistratos son of Aristomachos
of PaianiaV was secretary. On the old and new day of Gamelion,
the twenty-ninth of the prytany.
5 Assembly. Of the presiding committee -
son of -osthenes of Xypete was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members.
The People decided. Agyrrhios son of Kallimedon of Kollytos
proposed: since both previously the ancestors of
Spartokos have been of service to the People,[2] and
10 now Spartokos has taken on this relationship with
the People and is of service both collectively to the People and
individually to those Athenians who come
to him, in exchange for which the Athenian People made
them citizens and honoured them with bronze statues
15 both in the Agora and the commercial area and
with other awards with which it is proper to honour
good men, and [committed themselves?], in the event someone
challenged the rule of his ancestors or of Spartokos,
to help with full force both by land and
20 by sea; and further, Spartokos, when on the arrival
of an embassy from Athens he heard that the People had delivered
the city, was delighted at the success
of the People and gave a gift of 15,000 medimnoi
of grain, and in addition declares
25 that for the rest of time he will be of service to the
Athenian People as far as he is able, and he does
this with the express purpose of safeguarding the
good will for the People passed down
to him from his ancestors; so that the People may be seen
30 to be honour-loving towards those who are mindful
of their good will to it in earlier times,
for good fortune, the People shall decide: to praise
King Spartokos son of Eumelos . . . . . . and to crown him with a gold crown according
35 to the law for the excellence and good will which he continues
to have for the People, and to announce the crown
at the tragedy competition of the Great Dionysia;
and the board of administrators shall manage
the making of the crown and the announcement;
40 and to stand a bronze statue of him in the
Agora alongside his ancestors and another[3] . . . ;
and so that King Spartokos knows
what the People decided, to elect three
men as ambassadors from all the Athenians, who
45 when chosen will set sail and both present
the decree and announce the good will which
the People has for him, and request him
to help the People, as far as he is able; and they shall give
the agreed travelling expenses to each of the ambassadors;
50 and so that there might be a memorial of the relationship and the awards to him that have been added to
those existing already, the prytany
secretary shall inscribe this decree
on a stone stele and stand it on the Acropolis;
55 and the board of administrators shall allocate the
expenditure accrued.
[In painted crown?] The People