Honours for ephebes and their officials

IG II3 1 917 Date: 266/5 BC
In the archonship of Nikias of Otryne (266/5), in the third prytany, of AkamantisVII, for which Isokrates son of Isokrates of AlopekeXII was secretary. On the twenty-fifth of Boedromion, the twenty-sixth of the prytany. Assembly. Of the presiding committee Leokrates 5 son of Leostratos of Oinoe was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members. The Council and People decided. -stratos son of Mynniskos of Pergase proposed: since all the ephebes who served in the archonship of Menekles (267/6) when war was gripping the city maintained good order and obedience to the laws 10 and the superintendent and continued for the year to fulfil their guard duties and the other orders issued by the general in the guarding of the Mouseion, where they were stationed by the People; in order, therefore, that, since others who have been steadfast have been honoured as they have deserved, these be honoured too, 15 for good fortune, the Council shall decide: that the presiding committee who preside in the coming Assembly shall introduce the superintendent after the sacred business and put the matter on the agenda and submit the opinion of the Council to the People, that it seems good to the Council to praise the ephebes who served 20 in the archonship of Menekles (267/6) and to crown them with a gold crown according to the law for the good order and love of honour which they continue to have for the People; and they shall have front row seats at the competitions which the city puts on; and to praise their superintendent Ameinias son of Antiphanes 25 of Kephisia; and to praise the physical trainer Hermodoros son of Heortios of Acharnai and the javelin instructor Philotheos son of Stratios of Lamptrai, and the artillery trainer Mnesitheos son of Mnesitheos of Kopros and the secretary Hermogenes and the archery instructor Sondros of Crete, and to crown them with a foliage 30 crown for their good order and the care which they continue to have for the ephebes; and the prytany secretary shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele and stand it in the Agora; and the board of administrators shall allocate the expenditure accrued for the stele.
col. 1
35 The Council (crowns) the ephebes
col. 2
The People (crown) the superintendent Ameinias 40 son of Antiphanes of Kephisia
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The People (crown) the ephebes
Those who served as ephebes:
col. 1
45 AntigonisI Aithalidai Charinos son of Thrasonides Eitea Lysikrates son of Phormion 50 Kydathenaion Theophilos son of Theoxenos
DemetriasII Melite -etades son of Proxenos 55 Koile -s son of Euthios or Euthias ErechtheisIII deme - son of - 60 deme - son of -chos - son of -kleides
AigeisIV deme 65 - son of -oros deme - son of Kallikrates deme - son of -esios or -esias
col. 2
70 PandionisV Myrrhinous Aristokrates son of Antimachos Paiania Teisamenos son of - 75 Oa Hierokles son of Ant- Angele Chairestratos son of Chai-
LeontisVI 80 Sounion Xenophon son of Themistokles Pelekes Lysanias son of Lysandrides
AkamantisVII 85 Kephale Philokrates son of - Sphettos Eukleides son of -
OineisVIII 90 deme - son of - - son of -
col. 3
KekropisIX Phlya 95 Nikeratos son of Nikeratos
HippothontisX Azenia Chares son of Pollias Thymaitadai 100 Aristodemos son of Kleoleos
AiantisXI Marathon Boutheros son of Philonides Euthynomos Antimachos 105 Rhamnous Kleomedon son of Klearetos Teleskopos son Aristokritos Phaleron Ameinias son of Deliades
110 AntiochisXII Alopeke Diophanes son of Kleainetos Charias son of Archebiades Pallene 115 Timokrates son of Kephisodemos Kephisios son of Kephisodemos
col. 1
(Crown for) the physical trainer Hermodoros son of 120 Heortios of Acharnai
col. 2
(Crown for) the javelin instructor Philotheos 125 son of Stratios of Lamptrai
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(Crown for) the artillery trainer Mnesitheos 130 son of Mnesitheos of Kopros
(Crown for) the archery instructor Sondros of Crete