Sacrifices and perquisites

AIO 505 Date: Ca. 423/2-404/3 BC
Face A
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [for Aphrodi?]te . . . (5) . . . for Eros . . . . . . strew [a couch?] . . . a table . . . . . . for Hippolytos . . . . . . each . . . the . . . . . . trittys . . . (10) . . . at the Posidea . . . [for Apollo Apo?]tropaios in Kynosoura . . . for Herakles in Elaious, a table . . . for Xouthos, a lamb _ for Glaukos, a lamb (15) for Apollo Pythios . . . strew [a couch?], . . . a table . . . _ hold up (?) a lamb (arna anasches-) . . . _ For Poseidon a goat with budding horns . . . for the Nymphs and [Acheloos] . . . . . .
Face B
. . . . . . . . . from the flayed . . . [from each?] cow five . . . dining room (?) . . . (5) . . . the portions . . . [the priest] shall take for [each offering . . . from the flayed animals?] the skins; . . . shall provide . . . the tongue (?) for the Founder-hero (Archegetei) . . . just as the (10) . . . for the perquisites (apometra), 10 dr. . . . let the priestess of -a take . . . 1 dr. for each offering (?) . . . but if a bovine is sacrificed, flesh (?) . . . but the priestess shall provide (15) . . . from the flayed private offerings the [skin] . . . from those not flayed the leg; the priestess of Artemis . . . from the public flayed offerings the skin . . . for each offering (?), but from the . . . the leg, but from the unflayed (20) . . . shall take, like the one of Artemis . . . shall take from the public sacrifices . . . 1 dr. for each offering . . . . . .