Theatre seat

Theatre seat: IG II3 4 1938 - Seat of the priest of Apollo Zoster in the theatre of Dionysos at Athens

Theatre seat: IG II3 4 1907 - Seat of the priest of Artemis Kolainis in the theatre of Dionysos at Athens

Theatre seat: IG II3 4 1976 - Seat of an officiant of Artemis Kolainis in the theatre of Dionysos at Athens

Theatre seat: IG II2 3700 - Throne for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos

Theatre seat: IG II3 4 1901 - Seat of the priest of Antinoos in the theatre of Dionysos at Athens

Theatre seat: IG II3 4 1929 - Seat of the priest of Hadrian in the theatre of Dionysos at Athens