Koerner, Gesetzestexte 1 - Decree about the Athenian [Cleruchy] on Salamis

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 2 - Fragmentary regulations from Marathon

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 3 - Regulations concerning the Herakleia at Marathon

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 4 and 5 - Decrees concerning the Acropolis

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 6 (ll. 15-24 only) - Harbour fees and the cult of Poseidon at Sounion

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 8 (on ll. 31-41) - Decree about tribute of Delian League ("Kleinias' decree")

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 9 (on B15-19) - Decrees relating to the treasury of the Other Gods ("Kallias' decrees")

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 10 (on ll. 24-28) - Decree concerning the festival (of Hephaistos?)

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 11 - Decree to republish Draco’s law on homicide

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 12 - Laws about the Council of 500

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 13 - Decree about permanent dining rights (sitesis) in the city hall (prytaneion)

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 16 - Law about the trierarchy

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 18 - Deme decree relating to cult at Paiania

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 19 - Inscription regulating use of water from the Halykos spring (Lamptrai)

Koerner, Gesetzestexte 21 - Decree of the deme Plotheia