Laws about the Council of 500

IG I3 105 Date: Ca. 409 BC
Lines 1-14 preserve no complete word[1] 15 . . . enemy . . . . . . the People . . . . . . the Athenian [People?] . . . . . . [the Athenian] People . . . . . . 20 . . . [five] hundred . . . . . . . . . and the People . . . . . . penalty if . . . if not . . . summoned . . . 25 [the Athenian People] assembled en masse[2] . . . . . . not . . . . . . I shall not put to the vote in the Council or [the Assembly] . . . . . . [if I do] put to the vote . . . . . . [neither public] nor private . . . [3] 30 . . . the five hundred shall deliberate . . . . . . five hundred drachmas . . . . . . up to (?) five hundred drachmas: a larger [fine] it shall not be permitted for it to impose (?) . . . [4] . . . the Council in the Council chamber . . . . . . These things were decided in the Lykeion by the Athenian People:[6] 35 without the Athenian People assembled en masse it shall not be permitted to raise war or to end war[5] or . . . ; without the Athenian People assembled en masse it shall not be permitted to punish with death . . . Athen- . . . ; without the Athenian People assembled en masse . . . . . . , however it wishes. It shall not be permitted . . . within thirty days after [it is decided; and] it shall not be permitted for the People [to] . . . 40 . . . any single Athenian, neither for the Council nor . . . ; without the Athenian People assembled en masse it shall not be permitted to impose a fine on any single Athenian . . . . . . or intention; without the Athenian People assembled en masse . . . . . . however it is decided by the Athenian People assembled en masse . . . . . . choose in the same way. The Five Hundred shall [give an account of] the public funds [in the Assembly] 45 before demitting office . . . the Athenian People assembled en masse whatever it wishes . . . of the public funds it shall be obligatory for the Council . . . first sacred business, second an embassy or embassies, third public [funds?] . . . . . . to the prytaneis and deliberate . . . 50 . . . and about war and . . . . . . to the People within sixty days . . . . . . the Council shall submit [its opinion] . . . . . . Assembly and . . . in the Assembly, and of the . . . [two] 55 pitchers[7] . . . vote . . . Council . . . but . . . another . . . the prytanies . . . 60 impose a fine of - [drachmas] . . . . . .