Honours for the prytany treasurer of Kekropis, 30/29 BC or 17/6 BC

AIO 2797 Date: 30/29 BC or 17/6 BC
[ . . . and . . . ] shall inscribe [this decree on] [a stone stele] and stand it in the . . . [1]
col. 1
. . . . . . 5 . . . - son of -sios - son of [S]ymmachos - son of Demetrios -s 10 . . . [Sypal]ettos: . . . [Xypet]e: -es 15 -s -s
col. 2
Melite: Dies son of Ba[sileides] Gorg[ippos son of Eudemos][2] 20 Mel- Zenon [son of -] Dionys- [son of -] Nikad[a]s [son of Antiphanes][3] Apolloni- [son of -] 25 Isidotos [son of -] Chairigenes [son of -] Epini[k]os son of [Hermogenes] Popl[io]s [son of -] Ag-
col. 3
col. 4
Below columns 30 [The prytaneis] in the archonship of Ar[chitimos (30/29 BC) or Ar[eios (17/6 BC) . . . [4] . . . -tos son of Diod- . . .