Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis

Agora XV 273 Date: ca. 50-20 BC
col. 1
[Marathon]:[1] . . . [Dio-] 15 names lost
col. 2
5 names lost [Trikorynthos]: 5 - son of - . . . - son of -on -s (son of -s) - son of -ratos 10 - son of [De]metrios - son of [Art]emidoros Rhamnous: - son of Isigenes -n (son of -n) 15 -stratos son of Simon [Thouk]ritos son of Theodoros
col. 3
5 names lost L- Ask[l-] Apol- 20 Sexktos Phaleron: Aischraios son of - Pantakles son of - Ariston son of Poses 25 Aischines (son of Aischines) Aristomachos son of Thear[ion] Thearion son of Aristomachos[2] Marcus Cornelius[3] Sostratos son of Epainos
col. 1
30 [The prytaneis (crown)] . . . . . . in crown . . . . . . 35 . . .
col. 2
[The prytaneis (crown) the] . . . . . . in crown . . . 40 . . . . . .
col. 3
The prytaneis (crown) the treasurer of the military fund[4] in crown 45 . . . . . . . . .
col. 4
The prytaneis (crown) their own [secretary], in crown 50 Dio- son of - of Marathon