Athens honours Hadrian

IG II2 3286 Date: 112/3 AD
Latin Text To Publius Aelius Hadrian son of Publius of the Sergia tribe, consul (108 AD), one of the seven men of the banqueters (septemviro epulonum), Augustal comrade (sodali Augustali), legate and propraetor of Emperor Nerva Trajan Caesar Augustus Germanicus Dacicius during Pannonia Inferior, praetor and at the same time legate of the legion I Minervia pious and loyal for the Dacian War, also tribune of the plebs, quaestor of Emperor (5)Trajan and member of his staff (comiti) on the Dacian Expedition, twice awarded military honours by him, tribune of the legion II Adiutrix pious and loyal, also of the legion V Macedonica, also of the legion XXII Primigenia pious and loyal, one of the six men commanding a troop of cavalry of the Romans (seviro turmae equitum Romanorum), prefect during the Latin Festival (feriarum Latinarum), one of the ten men for judging lawsuits (decemviro stlitibus iudicandis) Greek Text The Areopagos Council and the Council of the Six Hundred and the People of the Athenians (erected this statue of) their own archon (112/3), (10)Hadrian.[1]