Decree of Athmonon honouring the merarchai of 325/4 BC
IG II2 1203 Date: 325/4 BC
Gods.[1] Theodorides proposed: since the
section leaders(325/4) in the archonship of Antikles managed the sacrifices and common (funds)[2] 5 well and with love of honour ,
the demesmen shall decide
to crown the section leaders in the
archonship of Antikles (325/4),
Chairephanes son of Chariades, Dionysophanes
10 son of Dionysodoros, Lykophron
son of Lykiskos, Antiphon son of Aristomachos,
Lysippos son of Lysias, Smikythion
son of Phalanthos, each of them with a
gold crown of five hundred
15 drachmas for their excellence and
their justice towards the demesmen, and
to announce (this) at the Amarysia in the competition ;
and the demarch Pol-
shall inscribe this decree on a stone
20 stele and stand it in [the sanctuary or the theatre?].
In crown Smikythion
son of Phalanthos
In crown Lykophron
son of Lykiskos
In crown 25 Chairephanes
son of Chariades
Three further crowns not preserved