Dedication by the prytany of Pandionis
IG II3 4 83 Date: c. 330 BC
The prytany of Pandionis dedicated (this) [in the archonship of] . . . [1]
col. 1
from Paiania
Stratonides son of Sosigenes Praxias son of Anthemion 5 Theomnestos son of Dion Archidamos son of Archikleides Theodotos son of Antiphates Alkimachos son of Andron Lysippos son of Philinos 10 Antigenes son of Timostratos Chionis son of Demostratos Eteandros son of Charmantides from Konthyle
Chaireas son of Melesippos 15 from Oa
. . . . . . -odemos son of De-
. . . from Prasiai
20 Aristokles son of Aristokleides [Po]lychar[mos] (?) . . . . . .
col. 2
from Angele
Theogenes son of Ergophilos 25 Meletos son of Menestratos Nikias son of Chaireleides from Myrrhinous
Polydamas son of Aristodamas Sosigenes son of Sosigenes 30 Nikesias son of Telokles Antiphanes son of Antimenes Euthykrates son of Euthykrates [Ar- or Ais]chias son of Eukleides from Steiria
35 Deinias son of Deinokrates Zopyros son of Kratynon Charias son of Aristokles from Probalinthos
Lysanias son of Aristokleides 40 Kleomedes son of Aristokleides Mnesarchos son of Timostratos Euthydemos son of Eukrates . . . . . .
col. 3
45 having been crowned by the Council and the People . . .