Honours for the prytany of Leontis
IG II3 1 1030 Date: Ca. 255–245 BC
. . . on a stone stele and stand it [in the prytanikon]; and for the inscription
of the stele the administrator
shall allocate the expenditure accrued.
col. 1
Sounion -on son of Stratophon
5 -es son of Diophanes
Xenophantos son of Diokles
Sosibios son of Sosikles
-ikles son of Prokles
-ndros son of Hegesandros
10 Hekale -ides son of Prokles
Phrearrhioi -os son of Aristodikos
- son of -phantos
15 - son of -emides
- son of -phon
- son of -ias or -ios . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . [Kettos]?
. . . . . .
col. 2
25 Melanop- . . . Aristokr- . . . Leukonoion Dionysios . . . Timokrates . . . 30 Theokritos son of Ly-
Soteles son of Alkimedon
Theochares son of Chairias
Pelekes Lysanias son of Lysandrides
35 Amphion son of Demomeles
Deinides son of Deinides
Pamphilos son of Epigenes
Philoxenos son of Eukleides
40 - son of -
. . . [Skambonidai]?
four lines missing
col. 3
col. 1
crown missing
col. 2
crown missing
col. 3
in crown . . . the
70 under-secretary
. . .