Dedication by the prytany of Leontis, 371/0 BC
IG II3 4 53 Date: 371/0 BCFace A (front)
col. 1
[1][from Phrearrhioi] – son of -dikos
Euethides son of -emos Apollod[-os son of Kephi]sokles 5 Melesias son of -eles Kedeides – Sosias son of D-s Peisitheos son of Euxitheos Xenophon son of Teisis 10 Smikri[as son of Eu]ripides from Sounion
Philoneos son of Ameinonikos Timotheos son of Hippostratos (?) Alexippos son of Epigenes 15 Polycharmichos son of Pataikos from Deiradiotai
Dromokleides – Hermodoros son of Straton from Potamos
20 -oros son of Pan-
. . .
col. 2
from Ska[mbonidai] Leokrates son of Hippokrates Hyperanthes son of Atar⟨b⟩ion 25 Dositheos son of Antigenes from Leukonoion
Theoros son of Mnesistratos Kallikrates son of Pamphilos Aristomedes son of Meton 30 from Kettos
Philokrates son of Amphitelides Melankomas son of Hierokles Euboulos son of Lysias from Upper Potamos
35 Demokles son of Antikles Philoxenos son of Lysistratos from Lower Potamos
Theaios son of Hippokles from Cholleidai
40 Epikrates son of Eukles . . . from Halimous
col. 3
Apolexis son of Ap- Xenopeithes son of Xenokles 45 Charisandros son of Exekestos uninscribed space in (the archonship of) Phrasikleides (371/0)
Face B (right)
Le[ont-] in [the archonship] of Ph[rasikleides] (371/0) Diakris[2] 50 from Pelekes
Aleximachos son of Charinos Amphithos son of Amphion from Hybadai
Charikles son of Sosias 55 Polykrates son of Lysan- from Oion
Phanostratos son of Stratios from Kolonai
Protomachos son of Pytho- 60 –os son of Arxillos.