Building dedication and choregic dedication of Dionysodoros for Asklepios

IG II3 4 556 Date: A: 9 BC – 14 AD; B: ca. 80 AD
Inscription A [To Asklepios] and Health (Hugeia) and Augustus Caesar ⟦ erasureerasure ⟧, when the archon and priest of Drusus the Consul was Polycharmos, son of Polykritos of Azenia. [when the Priest for] life was Zenon son of Leukios of Rhamnous.[1] Inscription B Column 1 Dionysodoros was archon, when Dexikles took me as the prize for victory with a chorus of youths (ēitheōn).[2] Column 1 Archon Dionysodoros dedicated me, glory (kudos) of all Eukarpos' comic, tragic, and choral skill, (5) the dithyrambic tripod, to Asklepios.