Choregic dedication of Agasias for the City Dionysia
IG II3 4 567 Date: ii AD
[These men, offspring] of kings, rushing forward in number,
sceptre-bearers of [Marathon] and of the (tribe) of the Acharnians,
and those whose namesakes were Hippothoon and Aigeus,
trained as a chorus [of men] and thus Oineus stood out,[1] (5) and [Aga]sias [led (them)], but the one who led Kekropia
[and was archon, was . . . ], and Ar[en] played the pipes,
. . . of a stout-hearted (kraterophronos) [maiden?][2] uninscribed space . . . was sponsor (echorēgei) . . . [3] . . .