Rhamnous honours Dikaiarchos of Thria
AIO 837 Date: 235/4 BC
In the archonship of [[Ekphantos]] (235/4).[1] The Rhamnousians decided.[2] Elpinikos
son of Mnesippos of Rhamnous proposed: since Dikaiarchos in taking over
his father's friendship for the Athenian People and the community of those stationed at Rhamnous is maintaining this friendship,
5 and when appointed with his father Apollonios by
king [[Antigonos]][3] to be in charge of the guarding of the fort, managed
well and with love of honour both the guarding of the fort and
those living in it, presenting both himself as well-disciplined and
the soldiers under his father's command, and because of
10 this the Rhamnousians and the Athenians living in the
fort crowned both of them with a gold crown according to
the law; and in the same way when his father was in charge at Eleusis he was praised and crowned by both the Eleusinians and the other
Athenians living in the fort; and again when he was
15 appointed at Panakton he managed well and with distinction both the guarding of the fort and the rest of the Attic countryside[4] and now he has been stationed by king Demetrios in the
citadel(?)Eretria he continues to be of good will to the Athenian People
of both collectively to all and individually to those who had moved their livestock
20 to safety because of the war, protecting and helping in whatever way
anyone asks of him;[5] and when the general Philokedes was present
at Eretria he supported this man in advocating and securing the release and saving
from prison of one of the citizens who had been condemned to death,
demonstrating the good will which he has for
25 the citizens;[6] and he announces that in the future
he will be of service in whatever way he is asked, whether to the People collectively
or any of the citizens individually; and he gave sacrificial victims for the
sacrifice at the Nemesia and to the king from his own resources, at a time when
sacrifices were being omitted because of the war, so that the relations of the Rhamnousians with
30 the goddesses might be on a good footing,[7] for good fortune, the Rhamnousians and all the other Athenians living in Rhamnous shall decide:
to praise Dikaiarchos son of Apollonios of Thria for the
excellence and good will which he continues to have for [[king
Demetrios]][3] and for the Athenian People and for the
35 community of those living at Rhamnous and to crown him with a gold
crown according to the law; and the managers and the demarch of the Rhamnousians shall inscribe this decree
on two stone stelai so that it may be a reminder for those wishing
to benefit the communityRhamnousians and those living in the
of 40 fort, and stand one in the precinct of Dionysos, and the other in
the Nemesion;[8] and for the making of the stelai and the inscription
of the decree the treasurer of the Rhamnousians shall allocate
the amount expended and account for it to the demesmen; and they shall choose
from themselves five men who will carry out what has been decreed
45 forthwith. The following were chosen: Elpinikos son of Mnesippos, Lykeas
son of Hierokles, Strombichos son of Kleodorides, Thrasymachos son of Antimachos,
Lysitheos son of Diokles.[9]