Law against tyranny

IG II3 1 320 Date: 337/6 BC
Relief[1] In the archonship of Phrynichos (337/6), in the ninth prytany, of LeontisIV, for which Chairestratos son of Ameinias of Acharnai was secretary. Of the presiding committee Menestratos of Aixone was putting to the vote. Eukrates 5 son of Aristotimos of Piraeus[2] proposed: for the good fortune of the Athenian People, the lawmakers[3] shall decide: if anyone rises up against the People for a tyranny or joins in establishing a tyranny or overthrows the Athenian People or the democracy at Athens, 10 whoever kills anyone who does any of these things shall be without guilt;[4] and it shall not be permitted for the councillors of the Council of the Areopagos, if the People or the democracy at Athens have been overthrown, to go up to the Areopagos or to sit 15 in session or to deliberate about anything; but if, when the People or the democracy has been overthrown at Athens, any of the councillors of the Areopagos go up to the Areopagos or sit in session or deliberate 20 about anything, he shall be deprived of citizen rights, both he and his descendants, and his estate shall be public property, and a tithe for the goddess; and the secretary of the Council shall inscribe this law on two stone stelai and set up one at the 25 entrance to the Areopagos as one goes into the Council chamber, the other in the Assembly;[5] and for inscribing the stelai the treasurer of the People shall give 20 drachmas from the People’s fund for expenditure on decrees.